Friday, February 24, 2012

I LOVE Fridays!

Dear Maizy,

I LOVE Fridays.  I mean I LOVE the weekends more and any other day I don't have to work but Fridays at work come with anticipation and excitement of when the clock hits five, I head home and get to see your beautiful smiling face!!  Usually on Fridays we just hang out and home and catch up on all the cuddling we may not have gotten in on the weekends.  I sip on wine, we turn up the radio, dance around while dad fixes dinner and we all have perma grins.

You have been 18 months old for 11 days now and I have noticed a big change in you as crazy as that may sound, but I have.  I mean you count to 5 with no problems.  You have a puzzle with animals and I say "where's the polar bear?" and you point to the correct animal you'll even make their sound, it's amazing and so cool to watch your beautiful eyes gaze across the puzzle and widen when you come across the animal I asked you to find, it's freakin' cool!!  You truly are so bright, full of life and personality.  You are starting to show your emotions with much more expression than you have in the past.  It's great but challenging as well.  You continue to fight going to bed and we are experiencing some conflicts when you spend all day with a Grandma then have to come home to us and don't get your way like you did all day.  I am sure it's rough on you too, but I'd have to say it's rougher on us since you throw tantrums.  I am not sure the best way to handle them.  I read on the best way to handle them and there is some conflicting info out there.  I'll just try and do my best I promise!

You now say "mom" and "mommy" on a regular basis - FINALLY!  I think you were holding out on me on purpose! ; )

I posted this pic because I LOVE it!!  and because you are growing so fast.  I remember this day and it seems like a life time ago.

Well this weekend is going to be great.  First of all, we get to be together.  Then you have a friend's birthday party tomorrow at a bounce house type place.  I have never taken you to anything like it, so I am a little nervous for the unexpected and if any kid is rough near you or hurts you Mama Bear will be joining the party real quick.  Then Grandma Shelly offered to take you overnight on Saturday, it's a nice offer but I am a little apprehensive, so we'll see. 

I just live for our weekends.

Happy Friday!

Love you babe!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I can't believe that I forgot to write about one of the other awesome highlights from our weekend.  Sunday I was hollering for your dad at home saying"Honey?! Honey!?"  Then you starting saying "Honey?  Honey!?"  It was the cutest thing ever and I kept saying it just to hear your cute little voice repeat it!!

I also had you say it for Grandma on Monday and then again for me last night!!

It's the cutest thing EVER!!!!

I love that little voice of yours!

On a side note:  you despise bedtime and will do anything to avoid it unless it's on your terms of course.


An oldie but a cutie and definitely one of my faves!  It made my day today and hopefully it'll make yours! xoxo

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here, there and everywhere!!

Dear Maizy,

Our weekend was awesome!  We did some pretty fun things.  Friday night Grandma Shelly picked you up from Grandma Donker's and I was supposed to meet you girls at Gateway for dinner, then Grandma changed her mind after I had already parked and was walking around Barnes and Noble in Gateway that she wanted to go check out the new Harmon's at City Creek, (Harmon's is my all time fave store), I was pretty excited to see what it was all about, so I didn't mind changing the meeting place, but before I left B&N I bought a book that Dr. Palmieri recommended, The Happiest Toddler on the Block. Then I left and headed to Harmon's to meet you girls. Luckily when I was walking into the crazy store you and Grandma were just a few people a head of me.  We grabbed a cart and walked around.  You were loving the hustle and bustle! I was too!  Then Grandma decided that she wants to grocery shop - I didn't think that was the plan since it was so hectic.  Whatever!  Needless to say it was hectic, crazy and Grandma was frustrating me.

After the craziness and Grandma bugging we went to Sara and Christian's house.  You were a maniac!!! But we were getting the biggest kick out of you and we all adore you, so it was ok.  I had bought you and Christian each a sticker book at Harmon's that I thought would entertain you kids for a little while.  You LOVE putting stickers on your cute little belly!  So you started doing that and cracking us up.  Sara was tending a baby for the evening and you weren't too into her like I thought you would be.  You were mostly more curious about her play pen.  I put you in there and you were bouncing around and having a good ol' time.  Then it was the baby's turn to go in there and you SO badly wanted to join her but that was not possible.  You're a little too rambunctious babe!  We hung out there for a while but not before you dumped half a box of Nerds candy everywhere - awesome!!  Was going in the bedrooms and shutting yourself in there and jumping all over the furniture!  They didn't mind but I did!!  It was getting late so we left and went home to join daddy in some R&R.  You two were excited to see each other.  You went to bed pretty early -  it was a long week for all of us, plus you wore yourself out.

Saturday we woke up, had breakfast and got ready to go on an adventure.  I had to go to Gateway to return an ugly dress I bought.  When we got to Gateway they had quite the festivities going on, it was a celebration of when the winter Olympics was in Utah ten years ago!!  So after I returned the dress we walked around and saw the sights and took our picture with some cute little characters.  There was also a bear, but you weren't too fond of him!

Then we decided it was time to go grab lunch for you and some drinks for us!  We walked over to Z'Tejas.  Luckily it wasn't too busy in the restaurant since it was between meal times and you were being a little pill!!  We sat down and the waiter came over to get us some drinks.  He noticed you resisting us while we were trying to seat you and he said, "Wow, she's feisty isn't she!?!?"  "Um yeah" we replied!  That was the beginning of our lunch adventure.  You refused to sit down in your high chair, you wanted to sit in the middle of the table,  you wanted to feed yourself hot mac 'n cheese,  you wanted to keep playing with your drink cup and spitting your juice out!!!  AAAHHHHHHHH!!!  "Another beer please!"  The waiter gave us our bill pretty quickly and he even comped our appetizer which was super nice especially considering we hardly got to eat it!!  I will give you the benefit of the doubt though.  I mean you are 18 months old,  it was past your nap time by a few hours,  you spent  all week with Grandma who lets you do whatever you want and luckily you are freakin' adorable so I couldn't get too frustrated!!

After lunch we went to the new Harmon's again!  But daddy hadn't been there yet and I was excited for us to go.  We went inside and it was pretty crazy busy.  We tried some new fun cheeses and even bought a few,  then we got some things to go with our dinner, then of course we had to go get some Gelato!!  It was SO delicious!!

Look at this beautiful store.  I do heart me a nice grocery store!!

We went home, you took a nap, then when you woke up we snacked on our yummy cheese and treats from the store.  Then we just played and watched movies the rest of the day, it was great!!  You were entertaining us as well.  You decided you wanted your pants off and boots on!! Ha ha ha!!  You went around the house like this for a few hours just cracking us up!

Then you also figured to push your chair up to the door so you could open it.  AAAAHHHHHH!!!  It was just a matter of time.  We knew this was fast approaching!!  Now we really have to keep the doors locked 24/7.  Then when the novelty of that wore off you decided to play with the light switches. You were pretty proud of yourself and we were too!! 

Then we had a yummy dinner of caramelized onions and pasta, it was delish!!  Then you went to bed pretty early and so did we, but not before makingsome delectable Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake with berries - we saved you some - don't worry! Then we went to bed.  We were all tired from our awesome day together!!

Sunday we woke up and daddy made us omelette's that were to die for.  Then we played.  You took a nap and I went grocery shopping.  I really do love grocery shopping and going down every aisle to check things out.  There was even a big bin of books on sale, so I checked those out for a good 20 minutes.  I ended up getting you a really cute princess book with darling illustrations. I got us a few movies too!!

When I got home you were waking up from your nap.  I went and got you and we played in your room for a few minutes then we went downstairs and played, colored and watched t.v. Then we had dinner and relaxed.  See...............

You love your daddy!! And He Loves You!!  I really enjoy watching you two together.  You have a great relationship and so much trust and I just love that!!  He really is a good daddy!!

Thanks for the awesome weekend!!  I love your cute little face SO much!!


Friday, February 17, 2012

18 Month Check-up!!

Dear Maizy,

You had your 18 month Check-up with the doctor this morning.  I woke you up, gave you a bath and daddy got you all dressed and ready while I got ready.  Our appointment was at 10:30 a.m. We got there right on time.  We checked out the aquarium in the waiting room and then we got called back and waited for an HOUR!!  Yes, an hour to see the doctor. Keeping you preoccupied for an hour is quite the chore.

You wanted to play on the doc's computer SO bad!!  And twirl on her chair.  Twirl we did.  Then I decided to whip out my make-up and that kept you busy for a while, you were having a great time putting the eye shadow on your eyes and arms.

Finally the doctor came in and she said how excited she was to see us and a "rockstar" baby!! We discussed all the things you say and do and you are definitely "not your average bear" the doc said.  You are well above average.  You weigh 20.83 pounds are in the 7% for your age group, you are in the 33% for your height and although your head is small (3%) you are perfect and very proportionate. 

They also had me complete a questionairre regarding autism and she said that you are the furthest baby from autism.  That's a relief for any parent to hear, though it never crossed my mind.  She also gave us fantastic news - you didn't need any shots!!  Woo hoo!!  We are all up to date on them so that was good. 

I was so sad that it took the doc so long becuase I wanted us to go on a lunch date before I had to go back to work.  Ugh!!  I dropped you off at Grandma and Grandpa Donker's and Oh My Gosh!  They were so excited to see you and you them.  Grandma was holding you and I leaned in to give you a kiss goodbye and you pushed me away, then you realized I just wanted a kiss, so you gave in and gave me a kiss!  I was sad to leave you but I had to go back to work and you were super happy to be at Grandma's, it's cool that you and your Great-Grandma have such a beautiful relationship and that you two get to know each other a lot of kids don't get that experience.  I knew a few of my Great-Grandma's but we were never really close and I didn't know a lot about them. 

Anyway, thanks for being such a rockstar of a baby!! 

Oh and check out these cute shoes you and I got before visiting Grandpa at the cluhouse last night!

Thanks for being so awesome.  So smart.  So well behaved.  So patient with me.  So beautiful inside and out.

I love you!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Where's Maizy??

Dear Maizy,

The last couple of weeks I have been driving you up to Grandma Donker's in the mornings for you two to spend the day together while your father and I work.  Today was the first morning that I didn't have to wake up even earlier than usual, wake you up,  get you changed, take you out into the cold and load you in the car.  While I appreciate not having to wake you up early and not drive all over over the valley and trying to make it to work by 8 a.m.  I miss you!  Immensely.  I crank the rear view mirror so that I can see you, so we can chat and sing songs.  Needless to say my commute this morning was boring, blah and uneventful.  I missed you!  I still do.  Work days are hard for me anyways, so any time I get to spend extra time with you is wonderful and I was getting used to our mornings, but anyway (my eyes are filling up with tears).

You got to sleep in this morning, so that was nice I am sure.   Dad didn't need to go to work until 10 a.m. and Grandma got there a little before then and daddy still had to wake you up.  I think you like sleeping in as much as I do.

Then I received a reminder today that you have your 18 month check-up with Dr. Palmieri. I called to see if we could reschedule since I had to take time off yesterday for a doc appointment of my own and she is booked until APRIL!!!  She really is that good!  So we are going to your doc appointment tomorrow.  You will have to have shots - poor girl!!  But at least it'll be the weekend soon and we can sleep in and play 'til our hearts content!

Well my day at work is about to end and I get to go pick you up at Grandma's - can't wait to see your darling smiling face!

Love you!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day: Part 2

Dear Maizy,

I had the best Valentine's Day yet!  It was kind of crazy though I must admit with having to drive all over town.  After work I hurried and went to the grocery store since Grandma said you were still taking your nap.  She mentioned "it's like Christmas up here!"  I replied "Oh no! There is tons of traffic and it's snowing!?!"  She laughed and said, "No, you should see all the gifts we have up here!"  Oh gosh!  So since you were still sleeping  I ran around the store like a mad woman since we still had lots to do.  Luckily, I found everything I needed.  Whew!

Then I drove to Grandma's and you were still sleeping so that gave me time to wrap dad's birthday gifts!  Then you woke up and you opened all of your Valentine's gifts - you really would have thought it was Christmas!  Here is everything you got - just at Grandma's house.

Grandma Shelly ~  3 shirts, a darling pink black and white outfit, a card, 2 pairs of pants, cute pink fuzzy slippers, a teddy bear, m&m's and a darling Elmo book.

Grandma Donker ~ a heart shaped Dora book, a darling black, white and silver Hello Kitty outfit, some stickers, a cute pop-up Valentine's card and a festive Valentine's Day stuffed lion.

Aunt Laurie ~ a Dora sticker book (you love your stickers), Jingle the Dog and his book (he barks at certain parts of the book, it's a Hallmark thing), a darling shirt and pants.

After we opened ALL of your presents we hit the road to go home and cook our delicious dinner.  Then we got stuck in a traffic jam for 30 minutes!  Ugh!!  But you did SO good in the car considering 30 minutes is your total car ride limit!

Then we got home and daddy was waiting for us.  He was in a great mood as always and was super excited to see us!!  You played with some of your new toys and snacked while dad and I prepped for dinner.  Oh and by this time it's 8 o'clock.  We definitely got a late start and the night was going by too fast!

Dinner was finally ready and O.M.G.  was it AAAAAAAA-MAZING!!!  Our steaks were mouth watering and delicious, the lobster was succulent, the asparagus was roasted perfectly and even the baked potato with all the fixins' was to die for!!  You enjoyed the steak and potato the most.  You wouldn't even try the lobster or the asparagus.  It was the most anticpated and delicious dinner yet!!  The steaks were SO huge that your father and I couldn't even finish them especially since we had to save room for my dessert - Gooey Chocolate Cake with Berries!

After dessert, by this time it's 11 p.m. it was a late night for all of us -  we finished opening gifts.  Daddy opened all of his cards and presents from us, Grandma Shelly and Grandma Donker. He definitely got spoiled and so did I!!

You opened the gift from us - the Leap Frog Lap Top - and you LOVED it!!  We were SO glad!!  It really is a cool learning toy!  I sent it with you to Grandma's today to play with!
Well thank you for the WONDERFUL Valentine's Day! It really was a terrific evening!! We had a wonderful time and I know dad did too!! 

Valentine's Day 2011

Time flies!  I remember last Valentine's perfectly. You were only 6 months old!!

I LOVE You!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Dear Maizy,

Happy Valentine's Day!!!  It's also dad's birthday too!  We are going to continue our tradition of a steak and lobster dinner this evening.  Yum, yum!!  I can't wait.  Then I am going to make dessert - chocolate molten cake with raspberries. It really has been a fun evening in the past and I know tonight will be great too and full of memories!!

Well the Valentine Festivities have already begun!  Last night after work you and I dropped by Grandpa Frank's to drop off the yummy sugar cookies (not heart shaped) and caramel-chocolate dipped pretzels we made.  We visited for a few and ate some of Grandpa's yummy spaghetti!  Grandpa also had a gift for you!  A darling little Dora doll!  He even put it in a cute little princes bag for you!  I was quite impressed with his efforts. Then after Grandpa's we went and picked up dad at Uncle Paul's since he was helping him with some work.  We visited for a minute with Uncle Paul and you played with some kids that were there.  You didn't want to leave and I felt bad making you but we had to finish our visiting.

We finally got you in your car seat - what a struggle that was!?!  Then we headed to go see Grandma Annette.  Grandma and Sienna were the only ones awake, well, it was 9 p.m..  You gave Sienna some cute  ladybug earrings with a Valentine.

 Then we gave Grandma her cute ladybug planter.  She LOVED it!!  Along with a card that you signed!!
The plant that was in our planter was WAY cuter!
We only stayed for a minute since it was SO late, but not before Grandma could feed you marshmallows and you found the m&m's. 

Daddy and I got you a cute little gift for you to open tonight too!  We got you a darling little Leapfrog Laptop that helps you learn the alphabet and spell, plus it's super cute.  Then I also came across the most touching book On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.  The book has beautiful illustrations and I just found a place that you can buy them and the words are absolutely beautiful, so meaningful and so true

"On the night you were born,
the moon shone with such wonder
that the stars peeked in
to see you
and the night wind whispered,
'Life will never be the same.'
Because there had never been
anyone like you...
ever in the world."

I can't wait to read this book to you and for you to read it back to me one day.  I LOVE Valentine's Day for a few reasons.  One being that it's also your dad's birthday and it's also a great day to remind those that you love and appreciate.  I could not be the mother that I am if I didn't have such an awesome daughter, a remarkable partner, a doting mother, a fun-loving father, a listening sister and a wonderful caring Grandmother.  I love you all more than words and more than my actions will ever show! I was very unaware of how much love my heart could hold. 

Happy Valentine's Maizy!

I love you very much!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Open Please!

Dear Maizy,

I have so much to tell you and write about.  I always do on Mondays.  Could it be that our weekends always rock!?!

Well let's see.  Friday night I picked you at Grandma Donker's after work and we headed home.  You didn't take an afternoon nap so you fell asleep on the way home and continued to sleep until 8 p.m. when I woke you up.  I didn't want you to take a long nap and then be up all night - I am speaking form experience!

When you woke up we played and had dinner. Since you were with Grandma all week and got used to having everything your heart desired you were quite demanding to hang out with.  You were crying and throwing tantrums and was really fussy - otherwise really not fun at the moment.  You got in the candy cupboard and handed the candy to me and was crying for me to open it.  I was kind of fed up from your fussiness this week (that's another post) so I said, "say Open Please!"  And you said "Open Please!" It was the cutest thing ever!!  And very polite of you. Your dad was standing near by and taking a drink right when you said "open please!' That it made dad choke on his drink.  He was surprised as I that you copied what I said.  You are starting to copy things we do and say, but since you were throwing a tantrum we didn't expect you to take the time to copy what I said.  So CUTE!!  So the rest of the weekend when you want something, anything you said "Open Please!"

After dad ate some food and the two of you took a shower.  You LOVED IT!!!  I couldn't get you out of there.  You were so cute to watch!  And you are getting really good at washing all over.  We name your body parts and you wash them - SO cute!  And very smart of you!!  After your hour long shower we dropped dad off at trax downtown, so that he could sleep at Uncle Paul's house since they were leaving real early the next morning for work.  We were sad to see dad go!

When we got back home we cuddled and watched Tangled (your fave and now mine too).  I put you in your own bed when the movie was over. Nighty night!

You slept in like always - love you for that. When I got you out of your crib you ran to my bedroom yelling for daddy and were real sad to find out he wasn't there! It was quite touching.  Then we went downstairs and had breakfast!  I made us pancakes and gave you some syrup to dip it in!  You LOVE dipping your food!

Then we played and watched some cartoons.  Then we went in your room to play too!  I just get the biggest kick out of watching you play and listening to you talk.  Then Grandma Shelly came and visited us about 2 p.m. and brought us some lunch.  Grandma gets the biggest kick out of you too!  You are just SO busy!  You had french fries with fry sauce to dip it in and a grilled cheese sandwich.  After a messy breakfast and lunch it was BATH TIME!!!!  Your fave part of the day!  Grandma hung out with us while you played in the tub. You kept crouching down to put your belly under the running water, it was cracking us up!!  Grandma was also very impressed with your body washing skills. When you wanted to water turned back on you said "Open Please!"  Grandma left then you and I played until it was nap time!!  I should have taken a nap too but instead I indulged in my guilty pleasure - reading my magazines!

You woke and we ate some dinner then it was time to go get daddy downtown.  You were SO excited to see daddy and squealed when you did!!  It was super cute!! We drove home and you and daddy played and wrestled!!  I was definitely entertained by you two.  We didn't stay up too much later and it was bed time. 

Sunday morning we woke up and fed you breakfast.  We wanted to go out to breakfast but couldn't decide on where to go, so we just stayed in and started working on our Valentine's Day projects.  I got you some watercolor paints to do while daddy and I worked on the (failed) projects! 

I think you liked painting, what do you think?

Well needless to say that paint didn't stay on the paper like I had planned, it was on your table, you, the floor and then somehow it even ended up on daddy too!!

I guess we can't really say "don't paint yourself" when face painting is involved! 

Then you went and grabbed daddy's hat and was dancing around and being silly!  But very serious for the picture.

Your paintings turned out just lovely and I am keeping them to show you when you are older.  You already show remarkable talent.

While you and dad were being silly I was making "heart" shaped cookies and having a breakdown that all my Valentine's Day Projects were a disaster!!

Yeah not very heart shaped are they!?!?

After our projects and my break down you and daddy took a shower to get the paint off.  You LOVE your showers!!  Soooo cute!!!  I took advantage of the quiet time and started a project I knew had to work and would taste yummy regardless!  My infamous caramel -chocolate dipped pretzels.

After your shower you took a nap and daddy and I watched a movie.  Then when you woke up we watched the Grammy Awards and you danced about.  I love your dance moves!!  We even taught you a new one - to wave your arm above your head!!  It's adorable to watch you dance/bounce around!!

I LOVE our weekends!!  I get anxiety when I lie you down to sleep on Sunday night, it means our weekend is officially over and it breaks my heart.

This morning I woke you up to take you to Grandma Donker's and you were in a fantastic mood!!  We had a great drive talking and pointing at things, then when we got to Grandma's you got sad and didn't want to let go of me.  I had to definitely fight back my tears!

I despise Mondays!!

Thanks again for being so awesome!!

Love you!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sad, sad face!!

Dear Maizy,

Sometimes on my lunch break I run errands or grab a bite to eat and every single time I see a mom with her child or children and I instantly get a sad face and my heart starts to hurt, it makes me miss you a TON!!

I also can't help but be a little jealous of these mom's that get to spend time during the day with their children.  I would love nothing more in this world to not work and just be with you all day laughing, learning, reading books, bath time, watching cartoons, giggling, playing chase, playing in the kitchen, coloring, talking, doing chores together, watching funny you tube videos, tickle time, brushing our teeth, counting, doing puzzles, taking walks, going to the park, pointing to airplanes in the sky, naming all the colors that we see, counting cars and people as they pass by, playing peek-a-boo, eating lunch together, strolling around the mall, singing itsy bitsy spider, having you help with the laundry 9you get a kick out of helping me), eating a treat together and sharing a diet coke.  I could go on forever!  I miss you every day. I do!

Then I start to wonder if those mom's truly know how lucky there are.  When I hear a mom yell at her children in the check out line at the store I so badly want to tell them how lucky they are to be with their children, to enjoy every minute together and quit yelling!  It frustrates me.  I have a lump in my throat just thinking about it.

So instead of being sad face all day.  I think about my awesome job and how lucky I truly am to have such a good job with awesome benefits and the fact that I can provide for my family and I hope one day you appreciate and focus on that instead of me not being able to be with you during the day.  I know a lot mom's work - I tried to find an updated statistic in numbers, but couldn't find anything on the Internet - my mom worked growing up and I think that it made my sister and I more independent and really cherish and value the time we did get to spend together and I hope you'll feel the same way.  I do that now. I LIVE for the weekends and our evenings together!!

You are just growing SO fast and I don't want to miss a thing!!

I love you sweet girl!  I will try not to be sad!

Thanks for being so great and patient with me.

Love you!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Jammies and boots!!

Dear Maizy,

Our weekend was a lot of fun, like always of course.  Friday night I picked you up at Grandma Annette's house, I was SO excited to see you,  it took us like an hour to get home!  UGH!  When we finally did get home, we made dinner while dad was still at work.  You did not like the chicken stir fry I made for dinner - go figure! ; )

Then after dinner you started screaming and grabbing at yourself, so I took off your diaper and you were on FIRE!!!  It was the saddest thing!  You were in SO much pain that you were biting my shoulder as I carried you up to the tub.  I was crying too!!

As I was giving you a bath your dad got home from work and I told him what was going on and he felt terrible.  After your tub we got you all doctored up - you were screaming, it was the worst thing ever!!!  I wish so badly I could have taken your pain away. 

Then we just kind of played and took it easy.  Until you found your snow boots and insisted on wearing them all around the house prior to bed time!! And even in bed!!!

I sure love your face and felt so bad that you didn't feel that great.  Diaper changes the rest of the weekend were very painful for you and challenging for us.  We don't like to see you in such pain and then the way you look at us for us to fix us is definitely a heart breaker and we would if we could for sure!!!

Saturday morning you didn't sleep in as long as I thought you may have.  Dad had already gone to work so we just cuddled, ate breakfast and played!!

You were such a HUGE help to me on Saturday morning.  I desperately needed to clean our kitchen, so you sat in your highchair, ate and played with an almost empty peanut butter jar for well over an hour!!!  We just talked in the kitchen while I got much needed cleaning done and you were perfectly content watching me clean and dance, it was awesome!!  Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!  You truly are such a good little girl and I don't ever want that to change - um, you'll be 2 years old in a few months and I am nervous for that phase in the near future. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Then you had a bath and we got ready for the day.  We ran to the bank where the drive-up teller said to me, "you have the cutest baby!  She is just staring at me!"  I turn around and he's right you are the cutest baby and you were just staring at the cute guy with your big beautiful eyes!!  Then a few other tellers came to the window to see and wave to you!!!  You always get so much attention no matter where we go. 

Then we headed to Wal-Mart to get a few things and you got tonz of smiles as we walked up and down the aisles.  Then the cashier commented on your darling black and pink outfit and how adorable you are!!  After Wal-Mart we went on a drive thinking dad was almost done with work and needed to be picked up - not the case, so we went home, had lunch, you watch Dora and took a snooze!  I had to wake you up to go pick up daddy and I felt SO bad because you were so tired.  We met dad downtown, came home and hung out as a family!!  I love you and daddy SO much!!!  I cherish all the moments we get to spend together.

Sunday was Super Bowl!!!!  We woke up had breakfast, and I got started on making my yummy dessert for the party and may I just say they were freaking delicious!!!! 

Then you took a snooze while I got ready for the day.  Dad and I got all ready and you woke up, we dressed you all cute, grabbed our desserts and we were out of the door!!

We went to Grandma Shelly's and Grandpa Glen's where we also joined Grandma and Grandpa Donker and Pat Austin for dinner and the big game.  You just ran around, literally ran around, and entertained us.  We ate yummy, yummy food!!! 

Grandma really liked my dessert.  See..........................................

After the game, the New York Giants won by the way, we went downstairs to play Just Dance 3 on the Wii.  I love that game!!!  And you were super cute dancing along with us!!  We only danced a few songs then we went home.  It was definitely your bed time when we got home, but since you spent all week with your Grandma's you'll only fall asleep watching a movie in our bed!!!  I don't mind but we can't make this a habit babe!!

I came to bed and was planning on cuddling with you, but you are such a wiggle worm so I moved you to your bed. You are so freakin' precious and just so sweet "that's all there is to it!" As Grandma Donker would say.

It's Monday and you are at Grandma Donker's for the day while daddy and I work.  I miss you so badly when I am at work especially on Mondays since we get so attached on the weekends.

Thanks for the tremendous weekend and for keeping me laughing. 

I love you!!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life Lessons

Dear Maizy,

You should never have any regrets.  Just consider things you wish you didn't do as Life Lessons.  Oh boy do I have lots of Life Lessons!  Then can take these Life Lessons and just learn from them.  No need to dwell or feel badly about them, just take it all with a "grain of salt"*.

It's so easy to compare yourself with other people and say to yourself "if I only would have........"  "I shouldn't have..............."  "I wish I..........."  When I start to do this I remember that if I didn't make those choices that I wish I hadn't I wouldn't be where I am today and therefore I wouldn't have you!!  So how can I have any regrets!?!?  Seriously!?!?  I am SO happy and blessed to be your mother and have you in my life.  No matter what sacrifices I make they are worth it and I don't really see them as "sacrifices" because I enjoy doing everything I do I do for!  That being said I have no regrets and have taken something from each of my Life Lessons and I want you to do the same. 

I will share some of my Life Lessons with you.

For example,  one of my Life Lessons is to go to college right out of high school and not quit until you get your degree. Chances are you may not go back and having your degree will get you much, much further in life and that is a fact!!

Pursue a partner that has a high education level as well, it makes your adult life much easier.  I can explain in more detail later but believe me. 

Be yourself all the time.  Don't change or disguise your true self for anyone. Ever.

You are such a happy baby, you smile and laugh a ton and you are so determined!  Plus you are physically SO strong!  Seriously people comment on how strong you are.  Please don't lose these amazing qualities.  They are so fabulous!  Surround yourself with people that admire and contribute to your amazing qualities.

Do well in school.  Always!!

Don't rush growing up, it's happens fast enough and it's not really all that fun!!

Honesty really is the best policy.  So cliche , but so true.

Be good to your body. Eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water.

I could go on and on, but I am sure that through our many future conversations we will cover a lot more.

I love you SO much and want SO much for you!!  I want you to live a healthy, happy life!!

Thank you for being SO wonderful!

Love you!!


You showing me your belly! 
* "(With) a grain of salt," in modern English, is an idion which means to view something with skepticism, or to not take it literally. It derives from the Latin phrase (cum) grano salis.
Since in Italy "to have salt in your pumpkin" (avere sale in zucca - pumpkin is a humorous way to say "head") means to have intelligence and reasoning capabilities, "grain of salt" often means "a little bit of intelligence." So, "cum grano salis," in its Latin form, is often used when it is needed to show that intelligence and personal judgment are needed, as in "I drink wine cum grano saliscum grano salis" (not scanting, or while thinking seriously about the consequences or dangers of repairing your electric cable). - Wikipedia