Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life Lessons

Dear Maizy,

You should never have any regrets.  Just consider things you wish you didn't do as Life Lessons.  Oh boy do I have lots of Life Lessons!  Then can take these Life Lessons and just learn from them.  No need to dwell or feel badly about them, just take it all with a "grain of salt"*.

It's so easy to compare yourself with other people and say to yourself "if I only would have........"  "I shouldn't have..............."  "I wish I..........."  When I start to do this I remember that if I didn't make those choices that I wish I hadn't I wouldn't be where I am today and therefore I wouldn't have you!!  So how can I have any regrets!?!?  Seriously!?!?  I am SO happy and blessed to be your mother and have you in my life.  No matter what sacrifices I make they are worth it and I don't really see them as "sacrifices" because I enjoy doing everything I do I do for!  That being said I have no regrets and have taken something from each of my Life Lessons and I want you to do the same. 

I will share some of my Life Lessons with you.

For example,  one of my Life Lessons is to go to college right out of high school and not quit until you get your degree. Chances are you may not go back and having your degree will get you much, much further in life and that is a fact!!

Pursue a partner that has a high education level as well, it makes your adult life much easier.  I can explain in more detail later but believe me. 

Be yourself all the time.  Don't change or disguise your true self for anyone. Ever.

You are such a happy baby, you smile and laugh a ton and you are so determined!  Plus you are physically SO strong!  Seriously people comment on how strong you are.  Please don't lose these amazing qualities.  They are so fabulous!  Surround yourself with people that admire and contribute to your amazing qualities.

Do well in school.  Always!!

Don't rush growing up, it's happens fast enough and it's not really all that fun!!

Honesty really is the best policy.  So cliche , but so true.

Be good to your body. Eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water.

I could go on and on, but I am sure that through our many future conversations we will cover a lot more.

I love you SO much and want SO much for you!!  I want you to live a healthy, happy life!!

Thank you for being SO wonderful!

Love you!!


You showing me your belly! 
* "(With) a grain of salt," in modern English, is an idion which means to view something with skepticism, or to not take it literally. It derives from the Latin phrase (cum) grano salis.
Since in Italy "to have salt in your pumpkin" (avere sale in zucca - pumpkin is a humorous way to say "head") means to have intelligence and reasoning capabilities, "grain of salt" often means "a little bit of intelligence." So, "cum grano salis," in its Latin form, is often used when it is needed to show that intelligence and personal judgment are needed, as in "I drink wine cum grano saliscum grano salis" (not scanting, or while thinking seriously about the consequences or dangers of repairing your electric cable). - Wikipedia

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