Our weekend was awesome! We did some pretty fun things. Friday night Grandma Shelly picked you up from Grandma Donker's and I was supposed to meet you girls at Gateway for dinner, then Grandma changed her mind after I had already parked and was walking around Barnes and Noble in Gateway that she wanted to go check out the new Harmon's at City Creek, (Harmon's is my all time fave store), I was pretty excited to see what it was all about, so I didn't mind changing the meeting place, but before I left B&N I bought a book that Dr. Palmieri recommended, The Happiest Toddler on the Block. Then I left and headed to Harmon's to meet you girls. Luckily when I was walking into the crazy store you and Grandma were just a few people a head of me. We grabbed a cart and walked around. You were loving the hustle and bustle! I was too! Then Grandma decided that she wants to grocery shop - I didn't think that was the plan since it was so hectic. Whatever! Needless to say it was hectic, crazy and Grandma was frustrating me.
After the craziness and Grandma bugging we went to Sara and Christian's house. You were a maniac!!! But we were getting the biggest kick out of you and we all adore you, so it was ok. I had bought you and Christian each a sticker book at Harmon's that I thought would entertain you kids for a little while. You LOVE putting stickers on your cute little belly! So you started doing that and cracking us up. Sara was tending a baby for the evening and you weren't too into her like I thought you would be. You were mostly more curious about her play pen. I put you in there and you were bouncing around and having a good ol' time. Then it was the baby's turn to go in there and you SO badly wanted to join her but that was not possible. You're a little too rambunctious babe! We hung out there for a while but not before you dumped half a box of Nerds candy everywhere - awesome!! Was going in the bedrooms and shutting yourself in there and jumping all over the furniture! They didn't mind but I did!! It was getting late so we left and went home to join daddy in some R&R. You two were excited to see each other. You went to bed pretty early - it was a long week for all of us, plus you wore yourself out.
Saturday we woke up, had breakfast and got ready to go on an adventure. I had to go to Gateway to return an ugly dress I bought. When we got to Gateway they had quite the festivities going on, it was a celebration of when the winter Olympics was in Utah ten years ago!! So after I returned the dress we walked around and saw the sights and took our picture with some cute little characters. There was also a bear, but you weren't too fond of him!
After lunch we went to the new Harmon's again! But daddy hadn't been there yet and I was excited for us to go. We went inside and it was pretty crazy busy. We tried some new fun cheeses and even bought a few, then we got some things to go with our dinner, then of course we had to go get some Gelato!! It was SO delicious!!
Look at this beautiful store. I do heart me a nice grocery store!!
We went home, you took a nap, then when you woke up we snacked on our yummy cheese and treats from the store. Then we just played and watched movies the rest of the day, it was great!! You were entertaining us as well. You decided you wanted your pants off and boots on!! Ha ha ha!! You went around the house like this for a few hours just cracking us up!
Then we had a yummy dinner of caramelized onions and pasta, it was delish!! Then you went to bed pretty early and so did we, but not before makingsome delectable Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake with berries - we saved you some - don't worry! Then we went to bed. We were all tired from our awesome day together!!
Sunday we woke up and daddy made us omelette's that were to die for. Then we played. You took a nap and I went grocery shopping. I really do love grocery shopping and going down every aisle to check things out. There was even a big bin of books on sale, so I checked those out for a good 20 minutes. I ended up getting you a really cute princess book with darling illustrations. I got us a few movies too!!
When I got home you were waking up from your nap. I went and got you and we played in your room for a few minutes then we went downstairs and played, colored and watched t.v. Then we had dinner and relaxed. See...............
Thanks for the awesome weekend!! I love your cute little face SO much!!
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