Monday, February 13, 2012

Open Please!

Dear Maizy,

I have so much to tell you and write about.  I always do on Mondays.  Could it be that our weekends always rock!?!

Well let's see.  Friday night I picked you at Grandma Donker's after work and we headed home.  You didn't take an afternoon nap so you fell asleep on the way home and continued to sleep until 8 p.m. when I woke you up.  I didn't want you to take a long nap and then be up all night - I am speaking form experience!

When you woke up we played and had dinner. Since you were with Grandma all week and got used to having everything your heart desired you were quite demanding to hang out with.  You were crying and throwing tantrums and was really fussy - otherwise really not fun at the moment.  You got in the candy cupboard and handed the candy to me and was crying for me to open it.  I was kind of fed up from your fussiness this week (that's another post) so I said, "say Open Please!"  And you said "Open Please!" It was the cutest thing ever!!  And very polite of you. Your dad was standing near by and taking a drink right when you said "open please!' That it made dad choke on his drink.  He was surprised as I that you copied what I said.  You are starting to copy things we do and say, but since you were throwing a tantrum we didn't expect you to take the time to copy what I said.  So CUTE!!  So the rest of the weekend when you want something, anything you said "Open Please!"

After dad ate some food and the two of you took a shower.  You LOVED IT!!!  I couldn't get you out of there.  You were so cute to watch!  And you are getting really good at washing all over.  We name your body parts and you wash them - SO cute!  And very smart of you!!  After your hour long shower we dropped dad off at trax downtown, so that he could sleep at Uncle Paul's house since they were leaving real early the next morning for work.  We were sad to see dad go!

When we got back home we cuddled and watched Tangled (your fave and now mine too).  I put you in your own bed when the movie was over. Nighty night!

You slept in like always - love you for that. When I got you out of your crib you ran to my bedroom yelling for daddy and were real sad to find out he wasn't there! It was quite touching.  Then we went downstairs and had breakfast!  I made us pancakes and gave you some syrup to dip it in!  You LOVE dipping your food!

Then we played and watched some cartoons.  Then we went in your room to play too!  I just get the biggest kick out of watching you play and listening to you talk.  Then Grandma Shelly came and visited us about 2 p.m. and brought us some lunch.  Grandma gets the biggest kick out of you too!  You are just SO busy!  You had french fries with fry sauce to dip it in and a grilled cheese sandwich.  After a messy breakfast and lunch it was BATH TIME!!!!  Your fave part of the day!  Grandma hung out with us while you played in the tub. You kept crouching down to put your belly under the running water, it was cracking us up!!  Grandma was also very impressed with your body washing skills. When you wanted to water turned back on you said "Open Please!"  Grandma left then you and I played until it was nap time!!  I should have taken a nap too but instead I indulged in my guilty pleasure - reading my magazines!

You woke and we ate some dinner then it was time to go get daddy downtown.  You were SO excited to see daddy and squealed when you did!!  It was super cute!! We drove home and you and daddy played and wrestled!!  I was definitely entertained by you two.  We didn't stay up too much later and it was bed time. 

Sunday morning we woke up and fed you breakfast.  We wanted to go out to breakfast but couldn't decide on where to go, so we just stayed in and started working on our Valentine's Day projects.  I got you some watercolor paints to do while daddy and I worked on the (failed) projects! 

I think you liked painting, what do you think?

Well needless to say that paint didn't stay on the paper like I had planned, it was on your table, you, the floor and then somehow it even ended up on daddy too!!

I guess we can't really say "don't paint yourself" when face painting is involved! 

Then you went and grabbed daddy's hat and was dancing around and being silly!  But very serious for the picture.

Your paintings turned out just lovely and I am keeping them to show you when you are older.  You already show remarkable talent.

While you and dad were being silly I was making "heart" shaped cookies and having a breakdown that all my Valentine's Day Projects were a disaster!!

Yeah not very heart shaped are they!?!?

After our projects and my break down you and daddy took a shower to get the paint off.  You LOVE your showers!!  Soooo cute!!!  I took advantage of the quiet time and started a project I knew had to work and would taste yummy regardless!  My infamous caramel -chocolate dipped pretzels.

After your shower you took a nap and daddy and I watched a movie.  Then when you woke up we watched the Grammy Awards and you danced about.  I love your dance moves!!  We even taught you a new one - to wave your arm above your head!!  It's adorable to watch you dance/bounce around!!

I LOVE our weekends!!  I get anxiety when I lie you down to sleep on Sunday night, it means our weekend is officially over and it breaks my heart.

This morning I woke you up to take you to Grandma Donker's and you were in a fantastic mood!!  We had a great drive talking and pointing at things, then when we got to Grandma's you got sad and didn't want to let go of me.  I had to definitely fight back my tears!

I despise Mondays!!

Thanks again for being so awesome!!

Love you!!


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