Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Busy, busy girl!

Dear Maizy,

I took Friday off of work.  I was just missing you too much and needed a day off.  We woke up got ready for the day and went out to breakfast.  We went to Dee's.  You were being super hilarious!!  You were talking to everyone, enjoying your fruit and dancing in your highchair.  Friday we just played and played!  We also went shopping for Father's Day cards.

Friday evening Grandma picked us up to go have dinner at her place with some friends of theirs.  Daddy had to go help G-ma Annette.  You looked SOOOOO cute.  I bought you this dress and new shoes to wear!!

You got tonz and tonz of attention from the dinner guests as well as Grandma and I of course.  You played and played and played some more.  Grandma drove us home and when we walked in the door your projectile spit up.  It was SO sad!!!! It was all over you, out your nose and all over your new dress.  Dad decided to put you in the kitchen sink to clean you up.

As you can see you were feeling better and was back to your happy self!! 

Love your guts!!!

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