Monday, June 27, 2011

First time SWIMMING!!!!

Dear Maizy,

Friday June 24, 2011 was your first time in a public pool!!  You looked SOOOOOO freakin' cute in your very first swimsuit that Grandma Annette got for you. I met you all at Grandma Annette's house after work.  You and Sienna got all ready then we headed to the pool.  You got in this cute floating penguin the first time.  You liked it well enough but your teeth started chattering - the water was FREEZING!!!  So you got out and cuddled with Grandma for a few.

Then Sienna was having a blast in the pool with Aunt Deb that we gave it another chance.  This time we put a life jacket on you - so cute!!!  You liked these water fountain things that shoot water into the pool.  You would play with it and get water in your face - you didn't care!

Then we put you in the pool.  That only last about 5 minutes.  Still too cold!!

If I had my suit I would have gotten in with you.  Your dad is a little bit more risky than I am!  I was getting mad at him a little.  What else is new!?!?!  Overall, I think you enjoyed the experience and will like it more if the water was so freezing!!  I mean you do love the tub, so why wouldn't you love a giant one!?!?

Then we hung out for a few at Grandma's then we went home and played!!

Thanks for such a fun evening!!!

Love your face!!


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