Thursday, June 23, 2011


Dear Maizy,

You will have good manners, no "ifs", "ands" or "buts".  My mom taught me good manners and I will return the favor to you.  I can not tell you how many times I have been complimented on my manners as a child and as a grown-up.  I even taught my friends manners since they were so impressed.

Here are just a few manners, tips and reminders:
  • Always say "Thank you" or "No, thank you!"  and "Yes, please!".
  • Say "may" instead of "can".
  • Don't talk when others are talking.
  • Wait your turn.
  • Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.
  • After meeting someone and departing say "it was nice to meet you."
  • Wipe your shoes when entering a home and even offer to take your shoes off.
  • Always ask "may I be excused from the table" when leaving a meal.
  • Look people in the eye and smile
  • SMILE.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Don't curse.
  • Sit up straight.
  • Don't gossip - I've done this numerous times and it never ends well. I still have to remind myself of this one.
  • Don't say "i wasn't talking to you!" If someone asks "what?" just simply say who you were talking t. Example: Oh I was actually asking Bob a question.
  • Don't say "never mind" it's rude!
  • Always be polite.
These are just a few that are on the top of my head.  I have had the great pleasure of working with someone of the most intelligent people I have ever met and will most likely meet and they have HORRENDOUS manners!!  They would interrupt while I was talking, disrupt my conversation with other adults, never say "please" or "thank you!" And it was the biggest turn off.  Although this person was uber intelligent I lost respect for them.  Needless to say their kids were downright awful.  Manners go a long way and will take you further in life.  No lie! Please don't get this confused with standing up for yourself and having confidence you can accomplish all and still remain respectful and polite.  That is my problem I was never taught to have confidence and standup for myself which you will know and learn!!  I love you so much and will always protect you as much as I can.  Please just remember to always do the right thing, listen to your gut, be confident, kind, caring, loving and standup for yourself!!

I love you!!

Oh and last night I didn't make it to the park.  You and your dad went on an adventure while I took a mini nap.  Tonight we are going to go outside and play hopefully. 


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