I am having the best summer with you. I can't get to you fast enough when my work day is done. You are saying and doing new things every day!
On Tuesday when we were leaving Grandma Donker's house and dad was putting you in the car he said, "Hey where's my kiss?" And you said "In your mouth!" We died laughing.
This morning I was getting you ready to take you to Grandma's and I said "Honey, give me your bottle, bottles are for babies. Are you a baby?" You said "No, I'm Maizy!"
When you walk in a room where we are sitting you always say "Hi guys!" We laugh every time.
When you are anxious to go somewhere and want us to hurry, you grab our shoes and place them right in front of us, it's quite cute and very helpful!
The other day at Grandma's you two were going outside to play, so Grandma took off her socks and put on her shoes. Then you got your shoes on and you two went outside for a while. Then when you came back in you and Grandma took your shoes off and went up stairs, then you turned around, went down the stairs and grabbed Grandma's socks and brought them to her and said "here Grandma!" She was quite impressed with you and wanted me to tell you this story.
You say "what's that?" "what's this?" about EVERYTHING!! I love it though because you are learning so much and if you already know what it is I make you tell me.
You can count to 14, but when you are counting while you are playing you like to say "3, 6, 3", it's adorable.
You can count to 5 in Spanish! Very, very cool!
You know all of your colors! Your favorite colors are green and purple.
You don't seem to be eating much these days and I am assuming it is because you are getting your molars! OUCH! Or that it is summer time and too hot to even feel like eating much, but one thing you will always eat day or not is a Popsicle!! You say "fickle" it's so dang cute and pretty much wins you one every time.
You say finger as "hanger". Adorable.
You still love to watch Dora the Explorer and Diego - those are your faves!! You are also taking a liking to Minnie Mouse and Daisy.
We bought you a Strawberry Shortcake dvd that you rather like, it's not the same Strawberry Shortcake I grew up with, but it's pretty cute.
You are starting to take a liking to your baby dolls and pretend to feed them and cradle them a little bit before tossing them down the stairs or on the kitchen floor.
You have a designated cupboard in the kitchen that is all yours and holds you "kitchen" stuff to play with while we cook and prepare dinner.
You are starting to say "mine!" as you grab hold of something. Not sure where you got that from. I am guessing from all the other bratty kids you sometimes get the opportunity to hang out with.
We are highly considering on whether or not to give you a brother or sister. I am really struggling with this one, but that could be a post all on it's own.
You LOVE your Grandma Shelly and Grandma Donker a ton!!! Almost as much as they love you.
Last night from your crib when you were supposed to be sleeping you were yelling "daddy, mommy, daddy, mommy, daddy, mommy, Graaaaaaaandma!!" It was cute!
You pretend to go potty and you have actually gone twice now!! It was awesome!! I think I even cried a little. I can't wait to get serious about potty training.
I read you a story every night before bed. That is also my other favorite part of the day.
Actually all my favorite parts of the day involve you!
- When I get home from work because you yell "Mommy!" Run up to me with a huge smile and hug me. I love it so much!
- Story time at bed time because it's just something you and I do, it's all quiet and peaceful, I get to smell your hair, rub your cute little feet, and we cuddle. Aaawww - pure heaven.
- On the weekends when I get you out of your crib in the morning because your bed hair is the most awesome thing I have ever seen, your eyes looking around your room and out the window taking it all in and knowing we have a new adventure ahead of us.
- Meal times because you are always entertaining and we enjoy it as a family just like my family growing up did.
Every man we see is a "daddy!" It makes our store visits very interesting and rather entertaining.
You call every woman "mommy!"
If you see an interesting looking person you point and say "what's that?" Yeah that is something we are working on especially since sometimes they hear and see you. Oh boy!
We can't pass a park with out you wanting to break loose.
You now know how to open the front door. YIKES!!
You love to have your toe nails and finger nails painted. Your Grandma's happily oblige to your request.
The other day I dropped my cell and the pieces spread out all over the floor. my hands were full, so you picked it up, put it all together correctly and said "here mommy!" as you handed it to me. I turned it on - as good as new! You amaze me.
Your Aunt Brittany was in town and it took me saying her name once before you were saying "Aunt Brittany" then it just became Brittany, but at least you can say her name.
Grandpa and Aunt Brittany came over Monday night to visit and look at this cute little number you're wearing!! This is an early birthday gift from cousin Tom.
You say "cheese" when getting your picture taken!! So super cute!
I just love you honey!
There isn't anything you can't do or say. You are a little "dolly" as Grandma Shelly would say. We all love you so much!
Thanks for letting me be your mommy.
Love you!