Thursday, July 26, 2012

All about you!

Dear Maizy,

I am having the best summer with you.  I can't get to you fast enough when my work day is done.  You are saying and doing new things every day!

On Tuesday when we were leaving Grandma Donker's house and dad was putting you in the car he said, "Hey where's my kiss?"  And you said "In your mouth!"  We died laughing. 

This morning I was getting you ready to take you to Grandma's and I said "Honey, give me your bottle, bottles are for babies.  Are you a baby?"  You said "No, I'm Maizy!"

When you walk in a room where we are sitting you always say "Hi guys!" We laugh every time.

When you are anxious to go somewhere and want us to hurry, you grab our shoes and place them right in front of us, it's quite cute and very helpful!

The other day at Grandma's you two were going outside to play, so Grandma took off her socks and put on her shoes.  Then you got your shoes on and you two went outside for a while.  Then when you came back in you and Grandma took your shoes off and went up stairs, then you turned around, went down the stairs and grabbed Grandma's socks and brought them to her and said "here Grandma!"  She was quite impressed with you and wanted me to tell you this story.

You say "what's that?"  "what's this?"  about EVERYTHING!!  I love it though because you are learning so much and if you already know what it is I make you tell me. 

You can count to 14, but when you are counting while you are playing you like to say "3, 6, 3", it's adorable.

You can count to 5 in Spanish!  Very, very cool!

You know all of your colors!  Your favorite colors are green and purple.

You don't seem to be eating much these days and I am assuming it is because you are getting your molars!  OUCH! Or that it is summer time and too hot to even feel like eating much, but one thing you will always eat day or not is a Popsicle!!  You say "fickle"  it's so dang cute and pretty much wins you one every time. 

You say finger as "hanger".  Adorable.

You still love to watch Dora the Explorer and Diego - those are your faves!!  You are also taking a liking to Minnie Mouse and Daisy. 

We bought you a Strawberry Shortcake dvd that you rather like, it's not the same Strawberry Shortcake I grew up with, but it's pretty cute.

You are starting to take a liking to your baby dolls and pretend to feed them and cradle them a little bit before tossing them down the stairs or on the kitchen floor.

You have a designated cupboard in the kitchen that is all yours and holds you "kitchen" stuff to play with while we cook and prepare dinner.

You are starting to say "mine!"  as you grab hold of something.  Not sure where you got that from.  I am guessing from all the other bratty kids you sometimes get the opportunity to hang out with.

We are highly considering on whether or not to give you a brother or sister.  I am really struggling with this one, but that could be a post all on it's own.

You LOVE your Grandma Shelly and Grandma Donker a ton!!!  Almost as much as they love you.

Last night from your crib when you were supposed to be sleeping you were yelling "daddy, mommy, daddy, mommy, daddy, mommy, Graaaaaaaandma!!"  It was cute! 

You pretend to go potty and you have actually gone twice now!!  It was awesome!!  I think I even cried a little.  I can't wait to get serious about potty training. 

I read you a story every night before bed.  That is also my other favorite part of the day.

Actually all my favorite parts of the day involve you! 
  • When I get home from work because you yell "Mommy!" Run up to me with a huge smile and hug me.  I love it so much!
  • Story time at bed time because it's just something you and I do, it's all quiet and peaceful, I get to smell your hair, rub your cute little feet, and we cuddle.  Aaawww - pure heaven. 
  • On the weekends when I get you out of your crib in the morning because your bed hair is the most awesome thing I have ever seen,  your eyes looking around your room and out the window taking it all in and knowing we have a new adventure ahead of us.
  • Meal times because you are always entertaining and we enjoy it as a family just like my family growing up did.
If you see a group of kids - all girls, all girls or mixed - you always call them boys!  It's hilarious. You even say "hey boys!"

Every man we see is a "daddy!"  It makes our store visits very interesting and rather entertaining.

You call every woman "mommy!"

If you see an interesting looking person you point and say "what's that?"  Yeah that is something we are working on especially since sometimes they hear and see you.  Oh boy!

We can't pass a park with out you wanting to break loose.

You now know how to open the front door. YIKES!! 

You love to have your toe nails and finger nails painted.  Your Grandma's happily oblige to your request. 

The other day I dropped my cell and the pieces spread out all over the floor.  my hands were full, so you picked it up, put it all together correctly and said "here mommy!" as you handed it to me.  I turned it on - as good as new!  You amaze me.

Your Aunt Brittany was in town and it took me saying her name once before you were saying "Aunt Brittany"  then it just became Brittany, but at least you can say her name.

Grandpa and Aunt Brittany came over Monday night to visit and look at this cute little number you're wearing!!  This is an early birthday gift from cousin Tom.

You say "cheese" when getting your picture taken!!  So super cute!

I just love you honey! 

There isn't anything you can't do or say.  You are a little "dolly" as Grandma Shelly would say. We all love you so much!

Thanks for letting me be your mommy.

Love you!


I'm happy, I'm happy!

Dear Maizy,

I swear if I don't write every day I have SO much to remember when I do write and worry I forget all the details. I would like to start off by saying you are a crack up, talking a ton, always smiling, always movin' and shakin' and just coming into your own little/big self!

Ok so Friday night I got home from work and we were going to go shopping and get ready to go camping the next day. You and dad had set up the tent in the front yard to clean it out and get it all ready.  You gave me a tour of the tent when I got home from work.  You were quite amused with the cool, big tent. After checking out the tent I went in the house, changed my clothes, laid down on the couch since I was exhausted from the late nights hanging out with Brittany, you deciding not to sleep at night and then long days at work.  Anyway I laid down for a minute and an hour and a half later I woke up. You and dad continued to play outside so when I woke up you and dad had taken the tent down and you were playing with the neighbor girl.  Well we decided not to go camping since we still had lots to do and there wasn't a concrete plan - we were supposed to go with Grandpa Frank but he was kind of all over the place too.  We  just hung out at home and had a great night playing outside.  

Saturday morning we slept in, got ready for the day and headed out.  We weren't sure what we were going to do, so we went shopping for a few things then I called my friend Sara to see what her and her family were doing.  Well they were down at her brother-in-law's house.  We have met him and his family before at the zoo.  Sara invited us down there to go hang out and we took her up on her offer. I am so glad that we did.  We arrived at the house and it was huge and full of kids!  We walked in and it was all kind of chaotic but a good chaotic.  The kids were happy and playing in a sea of toys.  Then we walked outside and Oh.My.Heck.  The yard was huge, with a large deck, a trampoline just your size and a swing set with a slide.  Bingo!  You were in heaven.  We had a great night of bbq-ing, drinking, talking and watching you play. You were having a blast!!  There were two boys ages 3 and 4 then a really cute girl about 7 or 8 that just adored you.  The boys copied everything you did - it was cute!  You went down the slide on your tummy, then they went down the slide on their tummy. You were playing a pink Barbie jeep and the boys wanted that jeep too.  You are such a good, good girl.  Those boys cried a ton!  You only cried once and rightfully so. You were walking up the stairs with the huge Barbie jeep in your hand and you fell backwards since that thing was SO heavy - it had a remote control, so it had a huge battery inside it - and your foot got caught under the wood stair up the deck, it scraped your foot, but even then you only cried for a few seconds. 

At one point in the evening you came up to me and said "I'm happy, I'm happy!"  It melted my heart and all the other moms that were standing around.  At one point I had to take you inside to change your diaper and that was like pulling you teeth.  You kept saying "park, park!'  Yeah their backyard was the size of a park.

Everyone was getting the biggest kick out of you.  I am so proud of you and love to take you places.  You get along with all the kids, when they rip things out of your hands you don't cry,  you are great at playing with everyone and alone and your manners are impeccable.

At one point we could see some fireworks from the American Fork firework show, it was pretty cool!  We left there about 11:30p.m. and you were sad, but you were SO tired!  You were pretty much delirious. 

I am SOOOOO sad I didn't get any pics of that day. 

I just love everything about you and am in shock most days that you are mine and are so perfect.  I never thought in a million years that God would have given me such a wonderful, undeserving gift, but I accept you gladly!


Friday, July 20, 2012

One year ago!

Dear Maizy,

I came across these pics.  They were taken by daddy on July 19, 2011. Look at how much you have grown and changed.  Time is going by way too fast and I don't like it.  I think back on how crazy I was about you then and how I thought I couldn't possibly love you more, but I do each and every day.  I'm crazy about you.  Just look at that face!!

Look how tiny you were!?!  I have loved every stage of your development and have memories of each.  I never want to forget those memories, so as much as this blog is for you, it's for me too!

I have some friends and family members that can't wait for their children to grow up, but I have never, ever wished for that.  If anything I would love to go back to the day and stay there like on the day you were born.  I'd give anything just to hold your tiny body, take in your sweet newborn baby smell, I would go back to the day of your first "real" smile, I would go back to the day you rolled over for the first time, I would go back just to hear your first word again,  the first time I gave you a bath, the day you took your first step, the first day you hugged me, the first day that it really sunk in that you're mine forever and ever. I would do it all over and over again!

The days go by way too fast. I wish I could hit pause on so many moments with you! I always think that if we never sleep you won't grow and that would be ideal - for me anyway.  

I just love you so, so much!

Here's to many more firsts!!


1st Happy Meal!!

Dear Maizy,

As your parent it's my job to  make sure that you eat healthy, whole foods, but there is that rare exception when we are on the go!  I have threatened your grandma's to never, ever, under any circumstance take you to McDonald's and that if they have to do something fast or easy they may go to a Subway, Jimmy John's or Blimpies.  Well since I am the parent and can make exceptions when I choose McDonald's it was.  We were going to Grandpa's clubhouse to meet him and Aunt Brittany, you hadn't had dinner yet and the only place that was convenient was a McDonald's.  As much as I hated the decision it helped that daddy was on board with it too.  We ordered you a chicken nugget meal that came with super small fries, apple slices, apple juice and of course a toy.  We handed you your Happy Meal and you didn't know what to think.


It was really quite cute.  You didn't eat much of the nuggets or the apples but you were digging the fries - I get it, they are delish!  We didn't give you the toy right away as it was kind of a lame one - a figurine of the scary monkey from Ice Age 3.  When we arrived at the clubhouse we gave you your toy and you were like whatev!!

We had a great night at the clubhouse, it's fun to see all these biker dudes oooooooooo and aaaaaawwwwwwww over you!!  And ask to hold you even though you have this super fearful look on your face I politely decline!

You had a great time playing on the pool table, jumping on the couch, dancing and eating candy. At one point you and I were dancing while you were standing in the couch and you were laughing hysterically - that was my favorite part of the night! Overall, it was a pretty fun night, but we weren't there long as it was a work night. 

Well the weekend is approaching and we are super excited!  We are supposed to go camping and fishing, but the details are up in the air.  I am strongly debating on taking you or not as I don't know all the details and think that if it was just the 3 of us that would be a blast no doubt, but with Grandpa Frank and his friend I am not sure!  Your dad really wants you to go, as do I,  but I just worry about the sleeping situation, the weather and the lack of details.  I do know that if you spent the day/night with Grandma Shelly or Grandma Donker you would have a guaranteed fantastic time.

I guess we'll see what happens.

I Love You Babe!!

Thanks for letting me be your mommy.


Say what!?!?

Dear Maizy,

Every time we go see your doctor she asks us what words you say and what you have learned from the last time she saw you.  We go see your doctor in one month from now and all I can think of telling her is that there isn't a word you can't say and you have learned and retained a million things from the last time you were there.

I love our conversations and hearing your cute, sweet little voice.  I also get a big kick out of your  animal sounds ability.

Mommy:  What does a cow say?

Maizy:  Mooooooooooooo!

Mommy: What does a dog say?

Maizy: Ruff!

Mommy:  What does a cat say?

Maizy: Meeeeeooooooooowwwww!

Mommy: What does a rabbit say?

Maizy: Boing!

Mommy:  What does mommy say?

Maizy:  I wuv you!! (and that is when my heart melts)

Thanks for being such an amazing little girl!

I love you and am proud of you every day.


What we did!!

Dear Maizy,

Just when I think our weekends can't get any better - they do!  Friday night I got home and we just played outside, it's always so fun to watch you go down your slide, listen to you talk and laugh.  There is no better sound in the world than your laugh! We had a great dinner like always and then hit the hay. 

Saturday morning we woke up earlier than I like, but we had lots to do.  You and I had a movie date while daddy had to go fix g-ma and g-pa's basement.  We got to Grandma's visited for a minute then we headed to the movie.  We got there a little late because Grandpa's friend, Lori, gave us the movie tickets and she told me they were for Madagascar, but when we arrived I realized it was actually for Ice Age 3.  Woo hoo!!  I was happy about that since we had already seen Madagascar.  Anyway, I got you a kids movie meal, me a diet coke and we walked into the theater and it was PACKED!!  We had to sit about the 10th row from the very front but it actually wasn't too bad.  You sat in your own seat the whole time, ate your popcorn and candy and sipped on your drink.  You are such a good girl at movies.  We watched the whole thing!  After the movie we went back to g-ma's to eat lunch. She prepared a yummy green salad, fruit salad, chips and sandwiches. Delish!  Then we hung out for about an hour or two then when daddy was done for the day we headed home. 

We got invited to a few bbq's that evening but we decided we just wanted to stay home as a family.  I am really glad we did because we had a terrific evening!  We went on a little adventure. 


You LOVE to give high fives and are super good at it. 

then we played in the backyard and it was actually the coolest it had been all week, so it was awesome! While we were in the backyard you and dad created a "bridge" with some pavers and made a little walkway.  We stayed out until the sun went down. I love the long days of summer. 

Sunday we slept in a little since you thought sleep was optional the night before!  You woke up at 1a.m. crying, so dad brought you into bed with us and you only wanted me, so you and I were up until 3 a.m.  Yikes!!

Anyway, dad woke us up and we went back to Grandma Donker's so daddy could finish her bathroom wall. While we were there Grandma showed me a picture that you actually found while there earlier in the week.  The picture is of Grandma Shelly when she was one year old.  G-ma Donker thinks you look identical to her.  

What do you think?

I can see a resemblance, but I wouldn't say identical.  Anyway, we played at Grandma's for a while.  You were being your cute and funny self as usual.  You make us all laugh constantly at all the funny, cute, creative things you say and do!!

You add so much laughter, love, beauty and fun to our family.  We all can't get enough of you. 

After Grandma's house we went to the grocery store but you fell asleep on the way, so while dad ran in the store I sat in the car with you.  I feel so bad when you fall asleep in your car seat as it doesn't look very comfortable.  Then after the store we went straight home and you woke up as we were getting you out of the car.  We got you a bottle and put you in your crib in hopes that you would take a much needed nap.  Well you didn't sleep for long.  I was in the middle of cleaning my room and putting away stuff and you wanted to tip over my stacks of nicely folded towels and clothes.  I asked your dad to come get you so I could finish what I was doing - I was on a roll, so dad came and got you and you two went on an adventure.

He loaded you in his stroller and you two went down the street to check out the aluminum animal sale!  Dad took the camcorder and captured the adventure for me to see later.  You two are so cute together.  I watched the adventure later after you and dad were asleep for the night and i was dying laughing!!  There was a huge chicken!! It was red and white and like 7 feet tall.  Dad sat you on it and the guy that is working the sale was crouched down below holding your feet while your dad videotaped it!! Oh my gosh!! I am laughing now just thinking about it.

Anyway, when you two got home you told me all about the animals you saw.  Even though it was super windy you and dad had a good adventure and I got some stuff done around the house. Then we bbq'd some yummy ribs for dinner and had a great Sunday dinner together. 

You were very fun and entertaining as usual.


You found your "mustache" sticker and put it on!! Ha ha ha!

Like always I get a little anxiety that our weekends are over, but we make the best of them and always make memories.

I love you sweet girl!!


Friday, July 13, 2012

23 Months Old

Dear Maizy,

You will be 23 months old tomorrow and that blows my mind!  It blows my mind that I will have a 2 year old when just "yesterday"  I was freaking out that you were turning 1 year old.  CRAZY!

I know time flies when you're having fun, but I didn't expect it to be this fast.  You've always done everything early - rolled over, got your first tooth, walked, talked, run, counted in Spanish!  It has been amazing and mind blowing at watching you grow and learn.  You don't forget a thing either.  People used to tell me how fast time goes by when you have kids but I was ignorant to that, but now that I am living it I get it and I don't like it.  

It makes me sad that you are going to be old enough soon to realize that we live in a crazy world, people suck and bad things happen to good people.  I just want to keep your innocent little self all to me!  But then again I want to share your awesomeness with everyone possible, it's weird and hard to explain.  

You have been such an amazing daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter, niece,  cousin and friend.  You excel at everything you do.  I am so blessed to be your mother and witness you accomplish numerous amazing things.  I was told I was going to do something amazing one day and that amazing is YOU! 

I am excited for your birthday and to celebrate the last awesome 2 years.  We are thinking of doing a party at Grandma Shelly's with water games and lots of sugar!

Please always just stay your sweet self and don't let this crazy world harden you.  

Anyway, thanks for all that you do and have done for us.  You crack me and your father up every day numerous times.  You have the most contagious smile.  There is no better sound in the world than hearing you laugh!

This is you on your last birthday. My you've grown! 

Love you!


Dad Rocks!

Dear Maizy,

I don't feel like I give your dad enough credit or recognition.  You have an amazing father.  There is not anything he wouldn't do for you or me.  The other night when we were at dinner you said "thanks dad!" and he turned to me with teared up eyes and said "She makes my heart swell."  
Not only is daddy an amazing daddy he is always a terrific partner for me.  He loves his girls so much and I never doubt that.  

Your dad is actually a better parent than I.  He is a hundred times more patient, more understanding, more attentive and smarter at parenting.  When you were a baby your dad blew me away with his "baby" knowledge - like how to put your diaper on better, how and what to feed you, how to bathe you - I could go on and on - and he never presented it in a way that he was better than I and that right there is awesome.  He is also very intuitive too.

Your dad just has a big heart. I wonder if it has anything to do with him being born on Valentine's Day!  

Wednesday morning your dad ran to the gas station to get me a coffee and he came back and started filling a grocery bag with food as he is telling me about the homeless guy he just saw at the gas station.  The guy was in the store at the counter asking the cashier if she had any spare food and where the nearest soup kitchen was.  She didn't know and was actually quite rude to him. Anyway, dad filled the grocery bag with left over BBQ ribs, some granola bars, a bag of chips and headed out the door to catch up with the homeless man to give him his next meal.  I thought that was very kind of your father.  He does things like this and it reminds me to be more giving and sharing - I will be honest I do not know how to share! 

Dad and his siblings are all like this.  They would do anything for you. Our family is like that sometimes, but his family is ALWAYS like that and I admire it.

You have a good daddy and we love him.

So on Wednesday night when I got home from work it was hot in the house, so we went up to the bowling alley for dinner and some fun!

We had a blast!!!  We played lots of games and won lots of tickets.  You like to play skeeball, it's the cutest thing ever!!  I saved your tickets so that next time we can get something real cool.  While we were there this little girl won a game and it spit out 1,100 tickets!!  It was cool to see.

Your dad "won" you a green ball out of this game...................

Gosh I love you guys!!

Last night we just hung out at home. I asked you to help me put your toys away in a basket and as you were helping me you were counting the toys in SPANISH!!!  Yes!  You can count to 8 in Spanish - no problem! Grandpa Donker is convinced you are going to be President of the United States.

Well this work day is almost over and our weekend is about to begin - can't wait!!!

Your Aunt Brittany arrives on Monday and I couldn't be happier.  I think she is going to die at how big in personality and smarts you have gotten because frankly, you are still quite small in size. 

Thanks for being so great and easy to love!

Love you!



Dear Maizy,

If I don't keep up on my blogging I get way behind and then I lose track of what we did!

Anyway, so Sunday was also a great day!

We slept in, it was wonderful!  You and daddy woke up about 8:30 a.m. but you guys let me sleep until 11 a.m. and I was very thankful for that.

We had breakfast and then I decided you and I  should clean your room, go through your clothes and put away things you have outgrown and start a bag for the homeless shelter. You were such a big help.


It makes me sad to go through your clothes that you have outgrown because there are so many of them which means you are growing too much and too fast.  Then it brings up memories of  doing all the cute things you did while wearing that outfit. 

Well before the day escaped us we decided to go run our errands.  The 3 of us got in the car and headed south.  We had to go to drop off some of Grandpa's camping stuff from our Father's Day adventure and check on the dogs.  We hung out in Grandpa's back yard for a little while, played with the dogs and then I sat you on the edge of the hot tub and had you put your feet in there.  You wanted your "jacket, jacket", so that you could swim.

Hanging out in Grandpa's backyard made me super sad.  Grandpa does not take care of his yard and it used to be so beautiful back there. Grandma Shelly took good care of it and beautified the place.  I have so many fond memories of that yard growing up - jumping on the trampoline we had, the sleep overs on the tramp or a tent, playing with our dogs, doing cartwheels, playing in the snow, bbq's, having family/friends over and eating outside, running through the sprinklers and picking yummy plums off the plum tree.  Anyway, I won't go into all that right now.

Then after Grandpa's house we went to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner.  We got home and had a super yummy bbq with ribs, corn on the cob, salad and rolls.  Yum!!

You sure do love corn on the cob. 

You wanted to get down from dinner to go play on your slide and climb, so we just finished our dinner and watched you.  

Sunday nights I get a little anxiety that are weekends are coming to an end and that I don't get to spend every day with you!  Ugh!!

This weekend you seemed to be talking more and more.  I can usually understand you, there are a few times when I can't.  

Thanks for a great day!

I Love You!


Fun Stuff

Dear Maizy,

We had a fantastic week with the 4th of July and all.  Thursday night Grandma Shelly took us to an impromptu dinner since she was going out of town the next day.  We went for Chinese food.  The restaurant had a cool aquarium that you were all about, so the three of us took turns during dinner to go show you the fish.  

We got and ate SO much food, it was crazy!!  That's how it always is though when we go with Grandma.  It was fun to sit, visit and stay cool.  The weather has been super hot!!  It's not even enjoyable.  I take two showers a day and still feel hot and sticky - yuck!  

After dinner Grandma was driving us back home and we had to stop to return a Redbox.  We pulled into the parking lot and you said "Oh boy!"  Oh my gosh!!  We laughed SO hard!! You said it in a tone like - not another stop.  Since we were laughing you were laughing.  You are getting more and more funny and realizing it, it's hilarious!!

Friday night I got home and daddy was working in the yard, so you and I just hung out, ate dinner, you had a bath, we colored, did puzzles and watched a little t.v. Then before you know it, it's bed time!  We were both tired from our busy, fun, weird scheduled week!

Saturday daddy worked so it was just you and me babe!  We slept in, it was nice! Then we got ready for the day.  We were meeting my friend Sara and her son Christian at Gateway to play in the fountains.  I realized I left my phone charger in my office at work, so we took a drive to my work then I took the long way home and we got a snack for the drive.  I was hoping you would fall asleep in the car and take a mini nap before our busy day.  

We eventually got home when we were walking towards the front door of our house a stranger passing by was coming towards us so I hurried us inside.  Then one minute later he was knocking on our door and ringing the door bell.  We were standing quietly in the kitchen and you said "Shhhhhh (with your finger to your mouth) quiet!" It was so cute.  So even as a grown up you don't answer the door to strangers especially when daddy isn't home.  I had no idea what the guy wanted, but it's good to never find out.  Don't Open The Door To Strangers!  No Matter What!!

Anyway, we got back to getting ready for our day.  I got you dressed in your cute butterfly swimsuit. Then we headed downtown to Gateway!  Sara and Christian were anxiously awaiting our arrival.  Sara got a great spot at a table with an umbrella.  Christian was so glad to see you and ready for you to join him running through the fountains. Oh and they got you some Skittles too!  You weren't too thrilled about the fountains since they splash and it got in your face.  You do not like water in your face - I get it!!  I don't either!

So I walked you out into the fountains and you were kind of getting used to it, so I walked back to the table to talk to Sara and watch you, but it was only a few minutes before you came to me crying - a fountain shot water in your eye.  Poor girl!!  All through out the day kids were crying and even screaming because water was getting in their eyes too.  You didn't cry for long, so then you just hung out by Sara and I in the shade and around the window to a jewelry store.  You were munching on some Cheetos and had your hand and lip marks all over the stores window.  I felt bad for the store,  but you were having a good time and I am sure the store is used to it by now.  The kids next to us were cracking up at you! It was a really warm day, but it was really enjoyable to be outside with you and good friends! 


After an hour or so at the fountains the 4 of us walked down to 'Bout Time and got some drinks and lunch.  You hardly ate a thing!  You are in this no sleep, no eat phase!!  You and Christian had a blast pretend playing with the arcade game next to our table, you were climbing all over the table across from us, you were following Christian around, he was making sounds and making you laugh.  You two were quite cute together.  You knocked your hand on the table and you put your hand up to Christian for him to kiss it better and he did!  It was absolutely darling.  He even blushed a little. 

Look how cute you and Christian are.

Um, you got your self stuck, but I made you stay put for a photo op then I helped you!

After hanging out there for a while we parted ways and headed towards Sandy to go pick up daddy from work.  Then we went to Grandpa Frank's to check on his dogs as he was out of town.

We eventually got home and relaxed!  It was nice.  I love our weekends together. 

Love you!!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July: Part 2

Dear Maizy,

I wish we could have slept in more on my day off, but we had a full, exciting day planned.  We woke up and got ready to join Grandma and Grandpa Glen to the Country Club.  Woo hoo!!!

The boys were golfing and us girls were going to hang out at the pool all day.  

We got all ready with our swimming gear, then G-ma and G-pa picked us up in the truck and we headed to the country club about 30 minutes away.  The country club is in Alpine and they had a huge forest fire that started the day before, it was quite sad. 

We arrived at the club, the valet helped us unload and out our stuff for the pool in a golf cart.  Grandma drove us girls up to the entrance in the golf cart - you helped steer.

We went in and got seated for some breakfast. Us grown up sipped on some bloody Mary's. the boys left to golf and us girls stayed and enjoyed our breakfast.  You were more into the crayons and goody bag you were given.  We just chilled until the pool opened around 11 a.m.  We went into the locker room and got in our suits then went and found the perfect table - near the pool and the bar.  You were SO excited to go swimming!!  The pool was just your size - 2 feet deep at the most, a fountain and a frog slide, it was perfect!  You LOVED the frog slide - can you see why!?!  The third time you were going down it grandma had walked you up the few stairs while I waited in the water for you. It was taking you a second to come down the slide so i peaked up the slide since I couldn't see your feet and um, you were hanging from the top of the slide.  Yeah there was no bar there to hang from you just grabbed where you could and swung back and forth!  It cracked us up.  I didn't see one other child do that all day long!!  You are such a  little monkey!!

Ok this picture is not from the club, but since I didn't get a pic this is the exact same slide  somewhere else in the world!

You went down the frog slide about 637 times.  It brought tears to my eyes to see how happy you were!  You also seemed so grown up to me, going down the slide by yourself and just that you knew everything to do.  We were the first people to be in the pool and that was awesome!  It really wasn't too crowded considering it was a holiday.  There were only a few times during the day you would have to wait a minute to go down the slide.  

I didn't get any pics but we I did take the camcorder, so it's all on video!  And it's super cute!!

Anyway, you had your cute butterfly suit on and your life jacket.  Then there was a big kid slide and pool that you showed interest in, so you and I went over to it.  We swam around and you really are getting good at swimming, kicking your legs and treading water. Then you decided that you wanted to brave the big slide!  Grandma Shelly was following us around, so she walked you up all the stairs to the top of the slide while I waited on the bottom.  As Grandma was yelling down to me "here she comes!"  You came down the slide and got me in the face and we both went under water.  I was not ready for you that fast!!!  Even though we went under and you had water in your eyes you said "again, again!"  So you went down the slide a couple more times!  You were the littlest child I saw go down the slide that day.  Then later I read the sign and it said no on under age 6 and no life jackets - oops!!  We are such rule breakers sometimes. 

We took a couple breaks out of the pool and ate some snacks.  Grandma spoiled us and especially you that day with ice cream. popsicles, drinks and lunch.  There were some ducks in a pond on the other side of the pool, so we fed the mama duck and her two babies some puff snacks that you had.  That entertained us for a few and gave me a break from chasing you around the pool.  

I followed you around ALL DAY.  Even though you were a pro on the kiddie slide and pool I just wanted to make sure that you weren't getting hurt by the bigger kids running around.  I didn't understand there were about 20+ kids and only 3 of us parents around - weird!  There were some cute kids and cool parents around, but not many - we were at a Country Club mind you! Plus I kept reapplying sunscreen on you.  You definitely have your dad's skin and I was so worried about you getting burned!  I was so worried that I didn't even think to put any on me.  i got burnt on my back and shoulders but nothing too bad. 

As mentioned before there was a fire on the mountain near where we were so all day we saw the planes overhead dropping water and fire retardant on the mountain.  At a few times during the day we could see flames, huge flames.  We would all stop what we were doing to watch the fire, it was crazy to be so close and part of the community that it was directly affecting.  There were some somber moments during the day because of it.  

Anyway, daddy and grandpa stopped by the pool to say hi when they were on the turn getting some drinks.  

We were in the pool from 11 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. when the boys were finally done golfing.  You were still going strong and didn't show any signs or stopping!  

Somehow by the grace of God we were able to pull you away from the pool and take you inside where we all ate lunch.  They had a lovely bbq buffet.  You weren't too happy, but you needed to eat something and we all needed a break from the sun.  We put you in a high chair to eat the little that you did then mid-lunch you fell asleep sitting up in your high chair, it was the cutest thing.  You were swaying a little bit from side to side.  You had exhausted yourself babe, but you didn't want to give in.  We got you out of your highchair and handed you to grandma and she cradled you the remainder of our lunch.  

It was such an awesome, awesome day!!  I LOVED watching you smile all day long!  You are easily pleased and I love that about you.  You are always so happy and kind to other people.  we received numerous comments on how adorable you are and how beautiful your eyes and eyelashes are.  I even saw a few people point, smile and talk about you, it's all very flattering to me.  

I know you had a great day and that thrills me!! I love you and want you to have the best life ever!!  

Thanks for giving me the Best 4th of July EVER!!!!

Oh so we made it home about 6ish and you slept for a few more hours while daddy and I went on the back patio and reminisced about our awesome day.  your dad had a great day of golf and did really well. We all had an amazing day!

We woke you up after a couple of hours, ate some snacks and went outside to watch the surrounding fireworks.  There weren't too many since they were banned due to all the fires our beautiful state was having, but we did see a few.

Then we went in the house, relaxed and then went to bed as it was a work day the next day!  The only thing that would have made this day better would have been if it was on a weekend!!

Thanks again for everything!!

Love you!


Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July: Part 1

Dear Maizy,

This was our second July 4th celebration together as a family.  I will never forget the one right before I had you. I  had to watch fireworks out of my bedroom window all alone since you and I were on bed rest.   Daddy and Cameron went to fireworks together.  Sad! 

Anyway, last year was an amazing 4th of July and this one was too!!

Tuesday when I got home from work daddy went up to the Eagle Ridge Golf Course and claimed our spot with chairs and rope, it was very close to where we were last year, perfect. 


I just stayed home while you finished taking your nap. Then when daddy got home you woke up and we packed our cooler full of drinks and goodies. Changed your clothes and waited for Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Glen to pick us up.  They picked us up about 8:30p.m. we loaded our cooler and blankets in the truck.  We drove to our spot and had a heck of a time finding parking.  UGH!!  Well then we got lucky there was a crosswalk right by our spot so it was deceiving that a spot was even there, so we snagged it. This evening was already off to a perfect start.  G-ma and G-pa loved our spot too!!  It really was perfect. Luckily it was much cooler than it had been all day!  Nice.  We laid out a blanket, drank our drinks, you ate some snacks, laughed at the kids next to us, walked around, scoped out the area.  There was a house next to us that had red, white and blue balloons off their back balcony that was pretty cool.  You are a pro at your colors calling them out as you see them!  There was a plane driving way close and low since there were supposed to be sky divers but it was too windy so they couldn't jump out of the plane - bummer!!!  But you kept asking when the plane was going to come back since we said it would - you don't forget a thing babe!

Then I saw a few stars so you and I laid on our back and looked up the sky and counted the 5 stars we could see then you said "more, more", it was so cute!  Honey if I could give you all the stars I would!!  Then the moon was peaking over the mountain and that was super cool to see!  It was a huge full moon!! 

It started getting dark by the minute.  There were tonz of kids around that how glow sticks, necklaces and swords! Grandma wanted to buy you one and I said "No, because Maizy doesn't need it and I don't want to get hit with it all night!"  Well Grandma ended up buying you a light up sword and what do you do with it the minute you get it!?!?  Yes, that's right.  You hit me on the head with it and it hurt!  I bonked you on the head with it and you said "Ouch!"  And I barely tapped you on the head, you were whacking us all with it!!! It was half funny and half painful!

There were these two cute girls sitting next to us.  They were 11 years old and they ADORED you!!  That's even an understatement.  They kept begging you to go to them then they would sit you on their lap, ask you questions and talk to you.  They would go "Aaaaaawwwww!"  After every word you said!  They asked you how old you were and your name and you would answer them, it was really cute to watch!  You would hit them on the head with your sword and they would crack up!!

Then fireworks were about to begin so you sat on Grandma's lap and you would say the color of each firework out loud, it was super cute and hilarious.  The girls next to us were cracking up. "Purple, Green,  Purple, Orange, Purple, Red, Green, Purple, Pink!" It was so adorable!! You loved the fireworks and then if there was a break in between you would say "OH NO!!!!" It was the best firework show I've been too.  Oh and every few minutes you would go to my lap, to daddy's then back to Grandma's. 

After the firework show you said "Oh no!"  It actually was quite sad that it was over.  This was one of those nights that you don't want to see end. We sat around for a minute and was just enjoying the evening, then we loaded up Grandpa's truck and got inside.  Since we weren't moving we didn't strap you into your car seat.  You were on dad's lap and was looking out the window at everyone. I told you to say "Hey boys!" and you did! It was hilarious!!  So every time we passed a group of people down the hill you would say "hi boys!!"  It was really cute and funny.  

We finally made it down the hill in all the traffic, unloaded the truck and pretty much got ready for bed since it was near 11p.m.

This was only the beginning of our awesome holiday!

Oh and I didn't get any pictures but we did record everything, so we have a DVD of this great night!

Thank you for being so fun, cute, easy going and funny!!

Love you!!


Monday Morning

Dear Maizy,

It's a proven fact that Mondays are the worst days of the week.  No more sleeping. Back to work.  Back to routine.  Back to showering, getting dressed and looking presentable.  No more staying up late getting loopy-tired. No more of some of the fun stuff.

But, to make my Monday Morning better, in fact super,  I did get to wake up to this..................

Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen!?!?!  I have to say so.  Not sure if you can see in this picture, but this cute little girl decided to write on herself with marker right before bed.

This sweet girl we call Maizy makes everything thing better.  Even Monday Mornings!

Love you!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Saturday Party Day!! Part 2

Dear Maizy,

We arrived to our sushi party at Grandpa Frank's friend's, Lori, house.  There were about 9 adults and then a little one year old also named Frank.  He was a cute baby.  He was walking like a pro and had a great little personality.  Come to find out he was born on August 18th so you both are Leos.  Anyway, they had sushi and everything already made.  You ate a little bit but you were too busy checking the place out and playing with little Frank.  Grandpa was excited to see you. 

We went outside and checked out the back yard.  I had changed you out of your dress into your "evening wear".  Just some cute shorts and shirt - easier for you to get play in. There were 3 little dogs running around that you were getting a kick out of.  You were having a great time in the backyard playing with sticks, rocks and the fruit that had fallen off the tree.  There was lots for you to do since you have such a  great imagination.  When that got boring I broke out the bubbles!  Little Frank had never experienced blowing bubbles, so that was fun for all of us to do, it was cracking me up that the adults were enjoying the bubbles just as much or more than you kiddos.  

Lori offered for us to spend the night in her guest room since it was getting late and the party wasn't showing any signs of slowing down.  You are so awesome and easy going.  It was around 11p.m. and you were starting to get tired so me, you and Lori went up to the guest room, made the bed and turned on cartoons for you - I wish I knew this room existed earlier. Anyway,   I laid down with you, but you didn't have a bottle.  Luckily and I mean luckily, Frank's mom left a bottle there when she and him went home.  I washed it and put warm water in it for you.  Even though you weren't a fan of the bottle - which you shouldn't behaving anyway - having water in it you drank it.  Daddy had another guy at the party drive him to the store to get you milk since Lori didn't have any, but by the time daddy came back with the milk you were sound asleep.  I just stared at you in awe.  You are such a good girl, you never complain, you just go with the flow, you're super sweet, friendly and funny.  I stared at you and made sure you were ok and went back outside but your father and I kept checking on you.

After about an hour everyone left, daddy went to bed with you and Lori and I headed to the park to swing.  Her and I had a great time swinging and talking.  I totally get why you love swinging at the park, it felt nice.

Then her and I walked back to the house.  I crawled into bed with you and you cuddled right up next to me, it was heaven!

Sunday morning we woke up pretty early, got our stuff and got in the car.  You saw your monkey mask from the birthday party and put it on while pretending to drive.  Gosh I just love you!

You're so dang cute!! Then we went out to breakfast at Alice's by our house, went home and stayed in where it was nice and cool.  You took a nap then woke up and we all snacked on watermelon

You eating watermelon is the cutest thing!!  We cut it up for you in bite sized pieces but you wanted to eat it like mommy and daddy!  I get it!

Then we continued to relax while you watched your shows. 

Yes, this really is how you like to watch your shows sometimes.  We don't advise this behavior but it's picture worthy for sure. Then I always make you a cushy bed on the floor to watch your shows or else you would probably stand like this the duration of your cartoons - not good.

Well it was a fabulous, wonderful, fun, exciting weekend.  Thank you!! 

You are amazing and I love you!!
