Thursday, March 31, 2011
It's a CRAZY world!!
Dear Maizy,
It's a crazy world out there filled with many crazy people. I am not sure how encouraging that is, but it's true and I always want to be honest with you.
Some days I worry about what kind of world I brought you into and worry deeply about your future. I know you will succeed and adapt to any world that you live in, but I want it to be one full of peace and love. I guess I am just praying for a miracle because each day I listen to the news or see what's on the internet we are getting further and further away from that. But please know that this does not mean that you can not fill your own world with peace and love.
Don't hold grudges. Forgive others. Smile. Share. Volunteer. Do unto others as you'd have done to you. Give lots of hugs. Be good to yourself. Be kind. Do what makes you happy!
I always want the best for you. I love you with all that I am!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Adios! Ciao! Au Revoir!
Dear Maizy,
This may sound silly, but as of Saturday around 5pm we are no longer breastfeeding! See you have teeth now and the experience is not as pleasant for me as it used to be. I am actually really sad about it. I loved those moments that just you and I shared. We were always alone and away from everyone. I would just talk to you and rub your head, your back and your feet, it was one of my favorite things. I would get home from work and you'd wake up from your nap and I'd feed you and talk about our day. Sometimes we'd even fall asleep together. Plus I have been doing this from the day that you were born, so it hit me hard and saddened me that you are growing up and FAST!
You have been taking a bottle just fine. There was a moment on Sunday when you were looking at me to feed you right there and then like it had always been, I started crying and you started crying because you didn't understand, it was a sad moment. But you have adjusted to the change just fine.
This weekend you also started sleeping in your own bed. I was also saddened by this, but you have been sleeping just fine. I realized you sleeping with me was more for me than you. Now we both are getting more sleep - you're not waking up when I move and I am not waking up when you move plus now we both get to move more freely.
So we have said goodbye to a few habits that we had and now we will create new ones.
![]() |
You had crawled around so much that a hole was created in the foot of your p.j.'s!! Ha ha ha! SO cute!! |
One great thing that has come out of this though is now you will cuddle with me!! When you cry at night I get you out of your bed, you nestle your head into my neck and we cuddle. Now that you are all over the place you are too busy to cuddle with me, so we make up for it at night or four in the morning but either way I love and cherish that moment shared.
On Sunday you were crawling about in the room, came across a box, held on to it and lifted yourself up to a standing position!! It was amazing!! I was super proud of you, you could tell so you were all smiled! You knew it was a job well done and you haven't stopped doing it. You have this determination in you that I admire. You really are a strong, good, adaptable, happy and pleasant baby and I couldn't be more blessed!!!
I just can't get over how fast you are growing and learning! You are now feeding yourself too with your hands, it's super adorable and messy!!
Love you!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Oh the places you'll go....................
Dear Maizy,
.................................. you are kind of limited now, for obvious reasons!! But I know that when you realize all the places you can go - that you will!! And you should!
Love you!!
Oh Maizy!!!
Dear Maizy,
I have SO much that I want to tell you.
I want to tell you that you will never be able to comprehend the love that your father and I have for you.
I want to tell you that I honestly feel like I haven't lived until the moment I found out about you.
I want to tell you to study hard always. Use that awesome brain of yours.
I want to tell you to always use your full potential.
I want to tell you that I am always here for you no matter what.
I want to tell you that people suck and that will never change and that will be the same no matter where you go.
I want to tell you to always use your manners and have respect for others and that will help you go far in life.
I want to tell you that you are beautiful on the outside and especially on the inside and that is what matters most.
I want to tell you to listen to your head and not others.
I want to tell you to always stand up for yourself.
I want to tell you that I always got your back.
I want to tell you how much your smile brightens every one's day that you come in contact with.
I want to tell you that the sky is the limit.
I want to tell you that I will support you in anything and everything you want to do.
I want to tell you that I am striving to be the best mom for you.
I want to tell you that I love you very, very, very much!
I want to tell you that I have more to tell you.
Friday, March 25, 2011
I LOVE your feet! You and I were taking a nap and you put your feet on me and it warmed my heart. |
Dear Maizy,
Thank.Goodness.Its.Friday!!! I am SO glad that this work week is almost over and it'll be the weekend and time for us to play, relax, sleep and go on adventures.
Last night you decided that you didn't want to go to sleep, um, until about 2am. It made me grouchy. Your dad was asleep and that made me more grouchy that I was not, but we made it through the night and here we are ready for a new day. I love you SO much. You are getting more and more fun! Let me explain, I have always enjoyed every second of you and being your mama. Your personality is coming out more and more. You are starting to be more mobile and talk more and it's the coolest thing in the world for me to witness.
You are hilarious! I always kiss you on the mouth and now when I do you stick out your tongue!! It's hilarious and super slobbery!! Your dad and I joke about your "french kisses". I love them! Then you are growling more and more, it's H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. You and I wrestled for a bit on the floor last night and it was a crack up! You would growl and then I'd kiss you and you'd kiss me back and it was definitely one of my favorite life moments.
I just can't get over your adorableness. This morning around 1:30am you and I were rocking in the chair and you decided you didn't want to sleep, sat up, projectile spit-up down my shirt and started talking. Although tired, and so dark that you couldn't see me, I was smiling! It's those moments that it's just you and I that I love even if they involve spit-up and major lack of sleep, just you and me babe!
This weekend we just have a birthday party up at Grandma Shelly's house for Grandpa Glen's mom and that's it so far. I am sure we will create and go on adventures of our own.
Love you sweetie!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Go Grizzlies!!!
Dear Maizy,
We took you to your first hockey game last night. It was at the Maverick Center. It was the Utah Grizzlies against the Las Vegas Wranglers. We got you dressed super cute as always - Baby Gap jeans, a pink shirt with a cute flower on it and a pink decorated fleece hoodie that Grandma Shelly got you that you wore for the first time - and we were out the door! I sat in the back of the car with you on the way to the arena. You were in kind of a solemn mood, plus you may not have been feeling too great. You weren't happy, sad, frowning or smiling. You were hard for me to read. We got there and walked in and you were just looking at everyone and everything taking it all in - still not smiling or showing any emotion. We walked down to our seats on row 5 and you being so cute just still staring at at the lights and the people while sitting on my lap. Then to the left of me was a little girl about 3 or 4. You two made eye contact and there you went - you went all smiley and giggly with the girl!! It was SUPER cute and I was glad to see that you were happy again! I would turn you all directions and you would make eye contact with people and just smile and laugh with them. There was one girl behind us about 20 years old or so and she kept smiling at you and kept you entertained for a few, she told me how stinkin' cute you are - this I know!
Then about half time the little girl next to me sat on her Grandma's lap to be closer to us and was trying to touch you. Then she said, "what's on her shirt?" So I unzipped your jacket and showed her your cute shirt and she said "cute!!!" Then was showing us the doggy on her shirt, it was quite cute!! It made me wonder what you are going to be like when you are that age. If you are going to be shy, talk-to-anyone kind of girl or somewhere in the middle. I will love you know matter what your personality, but I wonder about things like that and not that I am wishing any time away I do get excited for our future together and watching you grow and become your own little person.
We stayed for the entirety of the game. You were getting quite tired toward the end and I did have to feed you right there on row 5!! We went to the car, drove out of the parking lot and you were asleep!
We had to stop at Del Taco to get some dinner, got home, played and then we all went to bed. Our week nights together always go by way too fast!! I wish my work days were like that.
Well thanks for being such a fun, sweet, cute baby! I love taking you places!! I can't even wait until next weekend - Boy! Have I got a surprise for you (hint: it involves live bunnies)
Love you!!
p.s. I suck! I didn't take my camera so I have no pics from our night out! BUMMER!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Yuk a Puk
Dear Maizy,
When we were at Grandpa Frank's house on Sunday I gave you Aunt Brittany's cup from when she was little for you to drink out of. Brittany has had that cup as long as I can remember. It has these characters on it, Yuk A Puks. When the cup was brand new the characters on the outside would change colors with the temperature of the drink.
Anyway, I just thought it was super darling to see you hold the cup and drink out of it.
Love you!!
When we were at Grandpa Frank's house on Sunday I gave you Aunt Brittany's cup from when she was little for you to drink out of. Brittany has had that cup as long as I can remember. It has these characters on it, Yuk A Puks. When the cup was brand new the characters on the outside would change colors with the temperature of the drink.
Anyway, I just thought it was super darling to see you hold the cup and drink out of it.
Love you!!
MoM's KnoW BesT!!
Dear Maizy,
You may not believe me now because I know it took me well into my twenties, but mom's know best! They really do! The last couple of days you have had a horrible cough, it's SO sad. Then Monday night you were holding your ear and it was all red. I told your father that I wanted you to go to the doctor. He would banter back and forth as to whether or not it was necessary. I mean you didn't seem bothered or upset and were your darling, cheerful self. Well last night you coughed throughout the night and even one time it woke you up and you were not happy about it. I felt bad plus every time you coughed I would wake up to make sure that you were ok.
Well this morning I told your father about our night, because he can sleep through anything and had no idea, and he agreed to take you to the doctor this morning. Good thing he did, you have a minor, minor ear infection and a cold, so the doc gave you antibiotics and some ibuprofen. I got props from the doctor for having your dad take you in today.
You are home with dad and are in terrific hands! We are wishing you a speedy recovery.
I love you my sweet baby!
See, mom's know best! Don't forget it! ; )
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Maizy and Mommy! Us at South Towne Mall by the mini rides in the food court. |
Dear Maizy,
I had a pretty good weekend, thank you! Friday I got off work an hour early, so I rushed home to be with you. You were awake and so we played for a few. I just love watching you crawl around and explore new things. You are into everything now!!! I have pics to prove it. We just hung out at home and got pizza for dinner. I was pretty tired and so were you, it was kind of a rough week. You and I were both sick and you seem to think that sleeping is optional!!
Saturday we went on an adventure. We went out to lunch at Little America. We sat by the window and you really enjoyed staring at the tree and the birds in it. Then we continued our adventure and drove around. We went to an old cemetery - Mt. Olviet - it was cool to see all the old head stones and there was even a family of deer hanging out and getting fed by passerbys.
Sunday we went up to Robert's to finish your 6 month pictures and it didn't go so well. Your poor little nose didn't stop running, you refused to smile and you almost fell off the table where we were taking your pictures. It was kind of a hectic morning. We went home and bummed around for a few before we went to Grandpa Frank's to hang out and eat a yummy dinner!!! Grandpa Frank is cute with you. He makes faces and speaks your language!
Monday came way too soon!! Mondays make me sad!! You and your dad had a great day hanging out and playing. Then I got home and you and I took a mini nap. Then we got ready and went to South Towne mall's food court for dinner. There were a ton of people to see and the lights of the carousel caught your attention. You were in a great mood and we had a blast!!
You still have quite the cough and runny nose but overall are in a pretty good mood. Dad says your teeth bug you a little during the day and it appears they have come all the way through.
We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring so we can picnic and play outside! We are also planning on moving the end of April and believe me if I am not thinking of you I am thinking about the move!!! I CANNOT wait!! We need to get out of our house quick!!
Thank you for all you do!! I love you with all that I am.
Friday, March 18, 2011
31 Weeks Old!!!
Dear Maizy,
I can't believe that you are 31 weeks old!! That is almost 8 months!!! And what a fun 31 weeks it's been. You are such a fun, cute, sweet baby! You scoot around like crazy and if you see something you want you go for it!! I have to keep all my magazines up because those seem to be your favorite - smart girl! One day you got a hold of one and had black all over your face from the print, it was super adorable!
You have cut 2 teeth. When you smile and I can see your razor sharp teeth it melts my heart, I have never seen a more beautiful baby than you!! I am not bias either. We get compliments, people stare and point and smile and coo at you - even grown men!! EVERYWHERE we go. I said to your dad not too long ago - "I love all the kind words about Maizy but Oh My Gosh!! Can we not eat in peace!!!" When we take you out to eat people hover at our table and ask tonz of questions about you. I appreciate the kind words and that someone has an interest in my main interest too but my heck - they seriously hover while we are trying to enjoy our meal as a family!! But then I also think that we have created something so beautiful to share with the world and your job is going around making people happy. I always say - "Maizy is just doing what she does best - spreading joy and happiness to others!!!"
You also are starting to talk more and more. You say your bbbbbbb's, ddddddd's and we are working on your mmmmmmmm sound. You know your name when we say "Maizy" you turn your head and look or turn the other way and intentionally ignore us! Ha ha ha!!
You are eating solid foods and trying more and more things. Last night we gave you some baked potato with some butter -we checked you can have butter - and you were loving it!! Right now you really dig squash and sweet potatoes. You are a really good eater! I love when I get to feed you. I am not a pro like your dad, so we end up getting it EVERYWHERE!! All over me, all over you, it cracks me up!! You have tried halibut, green beans, turkey, ham, avocado, shortbread cookies and strawberries and seem to like them all.
Lately you seem to think that sleeping is optional and don't wish to participate. For example, last night and this morning you were awake more than you were asleep. I was SOOOOOO tired but I was rocking you at 1:45 this morning and you were in a super great, playful mood and I just went with it and let you play. Sleeping is for the birds anyway!!
Anyway, I am enjoying you SOOOOO much and I know your father is too. You crack us up all the time. I love watching your facial expressions and big beautiful eyes light up when you discover something new. I love you with all my heart!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Nerd Alert!
I didn't post this picture in any reference that you are a nerd by any means - I just LOVE this picture & wanted to post it. Love you!! |
Dear Maizy,
Be nice to nerds! They will most likely be rich one day and it's good to have friends in high places OR they could be handsome one day - the latter is not too likely but I've seen crazier things happen.
I was thinking about this because for the first time in my adult life I am seeing people that I went to school with in all kinds of professions and am thankful that I was usually pretty kind and never a bully. It's especially weird since I have never moved far from home.
For example, if you are mean to someone one day he or she could be your doctor and you may need them to save your life. They might just contemplate it for a moment and will just do it so they don't get sued and not from the kindness of their own heart.
Or they could be your bagger at the grocery store and smash your eggs and pile everything on top of your bread.
Or even worse they could be your superior at work and make your work life miserable!
You just never know my dear. I can never imagine you being mean or unkind but sometimes our ego can get the best of us!
Just always be nice and even nicer when people are mean - they hate that!
I love you tonz and tonz!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Crack me right the Heck up!!!
Dear Maizy,
You are a crack up!! Sunday morning you and I were sleeping in and loving it. We had Daylight Savings so you and I were definitely trying to fit that hour of lost sleep somewhere.
You and I were laying in bed facing each other. Your father came in the room and was waking us up for the day. He said your name repeatedly and your eyes were open looking right at me. He walked closer to you saying your name, he sat on the bed next us and you closed your eyes like you were sleeping and when your dad said your name again you smiled with your eyes closed!!
It was freakin' adorable and hilarious. It was probably "you had to be there" kind of moments but I will always remember it and how much it cracked us both right the heck up.
I love you, you funny, silly, darling little girl of mine!
Love your guts!
Disney on Ice!!
Dear Maizy,
I had a wonderful 3 day weekend with you, thank you! I took Monday off because, frankly, the day came too soon and I was not quite ready for our weekend to be over. Well, I am never ready for our weekends to be over, but you know!?!
Friday we just bummed around, went to Grandma Annette's for a minute then we came home and I fed you and we all were out! We were SO tired. You and I slept in our clothes!! Ha ha ha!!
Saturday we woke up and went to go get your pics taken by a super nice guy, Robert, we met out at breakfast with you one morning. We went to his house, which happens to be on the old polygamist compound in Sandy - I found it fascinating. Anyway, he took a few pictures and you were having a blast. We put you in a few cute outfits and gave you a few toys, but Robert wasn't feeling it and didn't like his light setup, so we stopped and rescheduled for next weekend. He sent me a few pics, like this one from our mini photo shoot.
And this one.
You look darling as always!!
I can't wait to go back and finish the rest.
Sunday you and I went to Disney on Ice with Grandma Shelly and cousin Alexia. Alexia was dressed like a princess and looked SO beautiful. I didn't dress you up, but you still looked super cute since I was sportin' you around in the Baby Bjorn.
This is the only one I have of you and I at the event.
When we arrived at the arena you starting giggling with pure excitement at all that was going on - the people, the kids all dressed up in Disney, the toys, the lights and watching your cousin Alexia spin around in her dress. You were SO much fun to watch! I couldn't have asked for a better date to the event!
The show started and you were jumping up and down with joy!!! You did SO well. You would lose interest so you would look around or I would bounce and talk to you. I just adore you and was such a proud mama walking about the place with you super close to me in the Bjorn. I had an amazing day, thank you!!!!
Love you!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Dang teeth!!!
Dear Maizy,
I am not sure how I feel about this teething stuff. I feel like I am losing more sleep now than ever before. You are waking more and more in the night and since you wake up crying I am lead to believe that it's because of those dang teeth!! I am sorry baby!! I can only imagine how horrible it is and no one can relate because we don't remember the pain - thank goodness. Your dad and I are trying our hardest to comfort you and make sure you're ok.
Last night after I fed you we laid by each other and you were talking to me. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. You were watching what my mouth was doing and you were trying to do the same.
So, um, yeah, feeding you, it hurts. You have bitten me twice and it made me super scared to feed you again. We have this communication barrier right now and it's hard to tell you not to bite me, but I think you may have read into my reactions and have been doing much better. I bought a nipple shield, but you were not having that, so you were super hungry, pissed off and teething and I decided to just chance it and feed you. You did great!! I am sure this too shall pass. I want to continue feeding you because I love that quiet peaceful, one-on-one time with you, it's something only you and I share and I adore that. I am not giving up on it just yet.
I took you to the clinic the other day and you weigh 14 pounds and 2 ounces. You are in the 10th percentile for your height and weight so you are very proportionate.
This Sunday we are going to Disney on Ice with Grandma Shelly and Alexia. I am going against your Great-Grandma's will and taking you. I don't expect you to be totally engaged of course, but I think there are parts of the event you will totally enjoy. Plus you really seem to enjoy watching other kids run around and act crazy so a day with Alexia and Grandma Shelly is totally appropriate. ; )
You are crawling around a ton!!! You crawled so much the other day you wore a hole in the toes of your jammies - too cute!!
We took you to a fancy restaurant, Christopher's in Draper, the other night. You only spilled one beer! You really are such a good baby. We take you everywhere with us and although you have wonderful Grandma's that offer to watch you and are dying to do so, we'd just rather take you.
I am SO glad it's Friday and am really looking forward to our weekend together.
Love you tonz and tonz!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sense of Humor from Me!!
Dear Maizy,
I can already tell you A) You have a great sense of humor. B) You're only going to continue to get funnier and C) Your awesome sense of humor is from me. Ha ha ha!! See I crack my self up!
Last night we put in the movie Mega-Mind and you were laughing at all the funny parts. I would intentionally not laugh at cute/funny moments, but you sure did. I have never witnessed anything more amazing than you appreciating something funny. I love you!
Then I can already tell that A) You are super smart. B) You are a quick learner and C) You're welcome because you also get all of this from me!
Last night your dad and I were teaching you to grab puff cereal with your thumb and index finger. We would place the cereal in the middle of our flat palm so you could easily grab it, you thought, "screw this" and brought the palm with the cereal in it to your mouth! Bravo!! My Princess Smarty Pants.
It's the little but awesome things like this that you pull off and achieve everyday that I can't get enough of.
Love you!
P.S. Your dad is smart and incredibly funny or else I wouldn't have procreated with him. Here you are. Nuff said!
RuM FoR ThE GuMs!!!
Dear Maizy,
You are teething!
The End.
Ok no seriously, you are teething and it's super, super sad!! You are getting 2 teeth at the same time. Your two bottom ones, though I have to admit it's super cute when you smile and I see them!! You have been running a fever, a runny nose and just aren't very happy! Your dad and I are doing everything in our power to try and make you comfortable. I used to get frustrated when you cried and was upset - not at you of course but with myself. It would frustrate me that you were upset and I couldn't fix it, but now when you are just upset and feel like crying (I can totally relate) I just hold you and love on you and let you work it out. This approach seems to be working much better for all of us. I learned this from your dad, so I can't take all the credit.
We all had a wonderful weekend together. Friday night you and I met my friend Allison at Cold Stone for ice cream. Even though you didn't feel 100% you were SO super cute and smiley!! I gave you some Pink Lemonade sorbet that you enjoyed! Allison adored you. There was this cutest little blonde, blue eyed boy that saw you, lit up and pointed and screamed "BABY" over and over again!! So cute. He wanted you out of your carrier so he could play with you! Then these older kids came in and saw you and danced for you for a good 10 minutes! You always catch people's attention.
Then we went home and just took it easy. Nighttime is a little rough for you and I lately.
Saturday we woke up played. I went to lunch with friends. I was dying to take you, but you weren't too happy and needed to catch-up on your sleep. After lunch I came home, bathed you and we got ready and took you up to Great-Grandma Donker's house so she could watch you while your dad and I went to a friends house for a bit. Grandma Shelly was there too!! I missed you terribly while we were apart. When we came to pick you up you were playing with a new keyboard Grandma had bought for you to play with. I will never forget it, you were playing it for me and looking right at me while doing so! Cutest thing ever!!! It's like you were saying "Hey mom!! Look at me!!" I just adore your sweet face.
Then Sunday we bummed around. You and I slept until 11 a.m. It was SO enjoyable to cuddle with you. Then we got ready and went to Grandma Annette's for dinner!! YUM!! You still weren't feeling that great but you were cracking us all up. You were watching Siennna play and run around and you were getting the biggest kick out of her! Even though you are teething and not feeling so great you still manage to smile, laugh and crack us right the heck up!!!
Then we got home and laid in bed and cuddled - my fave.
Thanks for being such a fun and enjoyable baby!!
Feel better soon!
Love you!
You are teething!
The End.
Ok no seriously, you are teething and it's super, super sad!! You are getting 2 teeth at the same time. Your two bottom ones, though I have to admit it's super cute when you smile and I see them!! You have been running a fever, a runny nose and just aren't very happy! Your dad and I are doing everything in our power to try and make you comfortable. I used to get frustrated when you cried and was upset - not at you of course but with myself. It would frustrate me that you were upset and I couldn't fix it, but now when you are just upset and feel like crying (I can totally relate) I just hold you and love on you and let you work it out. This approach seems to be working much better for all of us. I learned this from your dad, so I can't take all the credit.
We all had a wonderful weekend together. Friday night you and I met my friend Allison at Cold Stone for ice cream. Even though you didn't feel 100% you were SO super cute and smiley!! I gave you some Pink Lemonade sorbet that you enjoyed! Allison adored you. There was this cutest little blonde, blue eyed boy that saw you, lit up and pointed and screamed "BABY" over and over again!! So cute. He wanted you out of your carrier so he could play with you! Then these older kids came in and saw you and danced for you for a good 10 minutes! You always catch people's attention.
Then we went home and just took it easy. Nighttime is a little rough for you and I lately.
Saturday we woke up played. I went to lunch with friends. I was dying to take you, but you weren't too happy and needed to catch-up on your sleep. After lunch I came home, bathed you and we got ready and took you up to Great-Grandma Donker's house so she could watch you while your dad and I went to a friends house for a bit. Grandma Shelly was there too!! I missed you terribly while we were apart. When we came to pick you up you were playing with a new keyboard Grandma had bought for you to play with. I will never forget it, you were playing it for me and looking right at me while doing so! Cutest thing ever!!! It's like you were saying "Hey mom!! Look at me!!" I just adore your sweet face.
Then Sunday we bummed around. You and I slept until 11 a.m. It was SO enjoyable to cuddle with you. Then we got ready and went to Grandma Annette's for dinner!! YUM!! You still weren't feeling that great but you were cracking us all up. You were watching Siennna play and run around and you were getting the biggest kick out of her! Even though you are teething and not feeling so great you still manage to smile, laugh and crack us right the heck up!!!
Then we got home and laid in bed and cuddled - my fave.
Thanks for being such a fun and enjoyable baby!!
Feel better soon!
Love you!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
When the Cats away Oh how the mice will play!!
Dear Maizy,
I admit I get a little, ok sometimes a lot, jealous that your dad gets to stay home with you. But I know that you are in great hands and that you two have a blast together every day! Your dad loves you SO much and takes excellent care of you. I can only think of one thing I would do different than he - we would be having dance parties everyday - much more music and NO t.v!!!!!!!
I would even sneak you chocolate once in a while too!!
Love you sweet girl!
I admit I get a little, ok sometimes a lot, jealous that your dad gets to stay home with you. But I know that you are in great hands and that you two have a blast together every day! Your dad loves you SO much and takes excellent care of you. I can only think of one thing I would do different than he - we would be having dance parties everyday - much more music and NO t.v!!!!!!!
I would even sneak you chocolate once in a while too!!
Love you sweet girl!
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