Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's a CRAZY world!!

Dear Maizy,

It's a crazy world out there filled with many crazy people.  I am not sure how encouraging that is, but it's true and I always want to be honest with you.

Some days I worry about what kind of world I brought you into and worry deeply about your future.  I know you will succeed and adapt to any world that you live in, but I want it to be one full of peace and love.  I guess I am just praying for a miracle because each day I listen to the news or see what's on the internet we are getting further and further away from that.  But please know that this does not mean that you can not fill your own world with peace and love.

Don't hold grudges.  Forgive others.  Smile.  Share.  Volunteer.  Do unto others as you'd have done to you.  Give lots of hugs.  Be good to yourself.  Be kind.  Do what makes you happy!

I always want the best for you.  I love you with all that I am!!


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