Friday, March 11, 2011

Dang teeth!!!

Dear Maizy,

I am not sure how I feel about this teething stuff.   I feel like I am losing more sleep now than ever before.  You are waking more and more in the night and since you wake up crying I am lead to believe that it's because of those dang teeth!!  I am sorry baby!!  I can only imagine how horrible it is and no one can relate because we don't remember the pain - thank goodness.  Your dad and I are trying our hardest to comfort you and make sure you're ok. 

Last night after I fed you we laid by each other and you were talking to me.  Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.  You were watching what my mouth was doing and you were trying to do the same. 

So, um, yeah, feeding you, it hurts.  You have bitten me twice and it made me super scared to feed you again.  We have this communication barrier right now and it's hard to tell you not to bite me, but I think you may have read into my reactions and have been doing much better.  I bought a nipple shield, but you were not having that, so you were super hungry, pissed off and teething and I decided to just chance it and feed you.  You did great!!  I am sure this too shall pass.  I want to continue feeding you because I love that quiet peaceful, one-on-one time with you, it's something only you and I share and I adore that.  I am not giving up on it just yet.

I took you to the clinic the other day and you weigh 14 pounds and 2 ounces.  You are in the 10th percentile for your height and weight so you are very proportionate.

This Sunday we are going to Disney on Ice with Grandma Shelly and Alexia.  I am going against your Great-Grandma's will and taking you.  I don't expect you to be totally engaged of course, but I think there are parts of the event you will totally enjoy.  Plus you really seem to enjoy  watching other kids run around and act crazy so a day with Alexia and Grandma Shelly is totally appropriate. ; )

You are crawling around a ton!!!  You crawled so much the other day you wore a hole in the toes of your jammies - too cute!!  

We took you to a fancy restaurant, Christopher's in Draper,  the other night.  You only spilled one beer!  You really are such a good baby. We take you everywhere with us and although you have wonderful Grandma's that offer to watch you and are dying to do so, we'd just rather take you. 

I am SO glad it's Friday and am really looking forward to our weekend together.

Love you tonz and tonz!!


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