Thursday, March 24, 2011

Go Grizzlies!!!

Dear Maizy,

We took you to your first hockey game last night. It was at the Maverick Center. It was the Utah Grizzlies against the Las Vegas Wranglers. We got you dressed super cute as always - Baby Gap jeans, a pink shirt with a cute flower on it and a pink decorated fleece hoodie that Grandma Shelly got you that you wore for the first time - and we were out the door!  I sat in the back of the car with you on the way to the arena.  You were in kind of a solemn mood, plus you may not have been feeling too great.  You weren't happy, sad, frowning or smiling.  You were hard for me to read.  We got there and walked in and you were just looking at everyone and everything taking it all in - still not smiling or showing any emotion. We walked down to our seats on row 5 and you being so cute just still staring at at the lights and the people while sitting on my lap. Then to the left of me was a little girl about 3 or 4. You two made eye contact and there you went - you went all smiley and giggly with the girl!! It was SUPER cute and I was glad to see that you were happy again!  I would turn you all directions and you would make eye contact with people and just smile and laugh with them.  There was one girl behind us about 20 years old or so and she kept smiling at you and kept you entertained for a few, she told me how stinkin' cute you are - this I know!

Then about half time the little girl next to me sat on her Grandma's lap to be closer to us and was trying to touch you.  Then she said, "what's on her shirt?" So I unzipped your jacket and showed her your cute shirt and she said "cute!!!" Then was showing us the doggy on her shirt, it was quite cute!!  It made me wonder what you are going to be like when you are that age.  If you are going to be shy, talk-to-anyone kind of girl or somewhere in the middle.  I will love you know matter what your personality, but I wonder about things like that and not that I am wishing any time away I do get excited for our future together and watching you grow and become your own little person.

We stayed for the entirety of the game.  You were getting quite tired toward the end and I did have to feed you right there on row 5!!  We went to the car, drove out of the parking lot and you were asleep!

We had to stop at Del Taco to get some dinner, got home, played and then we all went to bed.  Our week nights together always go by way too fast!!  I wish my work days were like that.

Well thanks for being such a fun, sweet, cute baby!  I love taking you places!!  I can't even wait until next weekend - Boy! Have I got a surprise for you (hint: it involves live bunnies)

Love you!!


p.s. I suck!  I didn't take my camera so I have no pics from our night out!  BUMMER!

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