Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mommy's Little Fish

Dear Maizy,

Monday I felt this big urge to make sure you got some major water action since we never made it swimming over the weekend.  

I rushed home after work, got you dressed in your darling swim suit, cover up and sandals, grabbed the sunscreen, beach towel and we were out the door. 

We headed to the local Splash Pad!!  YAY!!  We were all super excited.  We arrived to find that there was no splashing at the pad - the water was turned off!!! BUMMER!!! You were asleep when we arrived, so I walked over and read the signs and yep!  it should have been turned on, not sure why it was turned off and either were the other kids and parents around. 

I walked back to the car and your dad and I contemplated on what to do since you were sleeping but there was quite a cool playground and you were ready for fun.  All the other kids at the park were in their swimsuits and were playing in the water fountain to at least play in some water.  We decided to wake you up and we walked over to the awesome playground.  You kept say "swim, swim", but then you saw the playground, all the kids and you were happy.  The playground suddenly got taken over by the big kids that were there to play on the splash pad. They were very disrespectful and rude, so we left!  I felt bad because you were crying but we were off to do something bigger and better - GO SWIMMING!!! 

We drove all the way to Grandma Annette's and it really was a long ride - we felt bad.  We finally got there and everyone was gone except for Tyler, luckily he was home.  We got the key to the pool from him, but he kept talking and talking and you were getting pretty anxious.  See......................................

So I said "LET'S GO!!!!!" I felt so bad that it was taking so long for us to get to the pool and you really were being so super good!  We finally got to the pool, couldn't put your life jacket on fast enough and you and dad jumped in the pool and were swimming!!! Yes!  Finally.

I was SOOOOOO super proud of you.  You were kicking your legs and doing everything we were telling you to try to teach you to swim.  You were grinning from ear to ear!  I was such a proud mama.  I didn't bring my swimsuit or else I would have gotten in with you, but I was playing cheerleader and paparazzi on the side of the pool.

Check you out!!

You are such a little bad ass!!!  I have been searching for swimming lessons for you to take ever since.  We were going to sign you up anyway, but now I am totally motivated to take you sooner than later since you love it so much! 

We were worried how we would ever get you out of the pool, but you eventually tired and you worked up an appetite.  We got out of the pool, changed your clothes, left and got some food.  I thought for sure you would fall asleep on the way home but you were still so busy smiling and we weren't done praising you on your awesome swimming skills.

Thank you fro such a fun, fun night!!  This is the best summer yet!

Love you!!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The weekend!!

Dear Maizy,

Here it is Wednesday and I just now writing about our weekend.  Ugh!  It's hard for me to recall all the way back to Friday what we did.  See what you have to look forward to when your old???  Memory Loss!  Yikes!! I do know this much - we had a great time!! 

Friday I got home from work and you were sleeping when I got home.  You woke up by yelling "Mom! Dad! Mom! Dad!" It is SO dang cute and funny.  I went in your room and picked you up out of your crib.  We were SO excited to see each other. 

Then we went downstairs and played.  You are so dang cute!!  Lately you will ask for your picture to be taken and will even say "cheese!!"  Then you want to see your picture right away and say "Cute!"  When you see the picture.  It didn't take you long to get that down.  You were putting on my hat and saying "Picture! Cheese!"  You crack me up!!

Daddy had to go help Aunt Jenn and Deb with some yard work, so you and I just stayed in and played!!  We had a blast.  You are becoming quite the little cuddler and lover!!  It's awesome!  We'll be playing then you will say "hug" and come and hug me and pat my back, it's the sweetest thing ever!!

Daddy didn't get home until late, so we just played some more and then went to bed!  We were all tired!

Saturday morning we woke up early and got in the car and headed to Farmer's Market.  It was only 9 in the morning and it was already blazing hot!!  UGH!! We arrived, put you in your stroller and started walking around.  We weren't even there 5 minutes and we passed the playground!  Oh great!! You started saying "Park, park!"  as we passed it.  I told you that we would go there after we walked around and before we left.  You must have understood.  I think it's because you trust me and dad.  You know that what we say we are going to do we do.  I am very conscious of when I tell you we are going to do something that we do it!! I commend you for this behavior.  You are a rockstar!

So anyway, we walked around and checked out all the stuff, it was SO freakin' hot that it wasn't super enjoyable because A) It was freakin' hot. B) I was worried about you getting sunburned and dehydrated. C) It was freakin' hot!

We bought some cherries, onions, beets, basil, cheese, a cookie for us to all share and some delicious tamales we got home and ate for lunch.  After we walked around we went to the park and played!!  It was awesome.  I don't see you in action very much at the park, but you are an absolute pro!  You know what to do and have no fear!  There were these twin boys with their mom at the park learning how to jump and they were older than you and they were little wusses!

After the park we sat in the shade and drank our drinks, then got back in the car and headed home.  We were all pooped!  You and daddy took a nap while I got ready for the bbq that we were going to later.  After I took a shower, did my hair and got dressed, I lied down and fell asleep!!  I woke up 15 minutes before the BBQ was about to start.  You and dad were still snoozin', but your dad and I talked briefly and he suggested that I just go.  I was sad to leave you guys but you needed your rest, so I went to the bbq by myself. Everyone was dying to see you, so they were bummed when I showed up without you!!  I especially felt bad because there were at least 6 little girls running around, playing dress up, swinging and having fun!  It made me miss you even more.  They were all older than you, so they could have trampled you since they were pretty rowdy.

Anyway, I had a good time catching up with my friends I hadn't seen in a while. I got home around midnight and you were still awake!  YAY!!!  We stayed up a bit longer then we all hit the hay! It was a good, good day!!

Sunday morning we woke up and had breakfast.  You wanted "egg, egg!", so daddy fixed you scrabbled eggs and ketchup to dip them in - gross!!! I despise ketchup.  You were cracking me up while eating breakfast!! You saw that I had my camera ready so you were saying "Cheese!" 

I told you to make a funny face and you did!!!  This is classic!!  I was and am  still laughing at this awesome pic!!
After breakfast we were feeling a bit lazy, so we just hung around and did our own thing.  Then we got busy cleaning.  You are a great little helper.  I give you a Clorox wipe too and you clean everything!!!  It's so cute to watch you clean. After that  we all got ready and headed to the store.  Grandpa Frank and his friend were coming over for dinner so we needed to get some things for dinner and get going.  The store was fun and you are always very entertaining. We got home put all our groceries away.  It was going to be another scorcher of a day!! We continued cleaning and getting ready for Grandpa to come over.  He got there about 6 pm with a girlfriend in tow.  We all just hung out on the patio with the mister going and enjoying some relief from the heat.  We munched on yummy cheese and crackers.  Um, you didn' have one nap so you were TIRED!!  It was actually quite sad because you were crying a lot, just watching t.v. and was even a little delirious.  Grandpa and you did bubbles while dad and I got dinner ready.  Daddy bbq'd whole chickens and they were quite delish!  We had bbq'd corn, french bread and salad!  We had a pretty good night together!  The heat was a little crazy but it was a great way to end a great weekend!!

Thank you for always being so good, funny, cute, mindful, loving and sweet!!

I am one lucky mama!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Ready for the weekend!!

Dear Maizy,

There has been a lot going on this week and I am more than ready for the weekend.  YAY!!  We get to do whatever we want. 

This week has been a lot of fun though.  Don't get me wrong. 

See I have the pics to prove it!

You slept at Grandma's Tuesday night and I didn't get to see you until Wednesday after work - that is too dang long not to see you.  Anyway, when you were at Grandma's you and her played in her jewelry box and Grandma was kind enough to let you wear her real pearl necklace!  Look how stinking cute you are!  You would put the necklace on and say "mirror, mirror", so you could check yourself out!! You crack me and Grandma up for sure.  Then we picked up take out and went home and had a pizza/dance party! 

Thursday daddy was home with you and it was a really nice day so you went outside and played in the water - naked!!  You were loving it.  You're so dang cute!

 Then you asked dad for lunch after playing hard out in the sun!  You had leftover spaghetti and pizza!  Yummy!! Then dad you cleaned up and when I got home from work we got you ready to go with dad to see your half-brother Cameron.  He hasn't seen you since you were about 11 months old!! We decided to put you in this darling Hawaiian dress that Grandma Annette brought back from Hawaii for you. Look how stinkin' cute you are!!!

 You were watching your shows while getting ready and they were talking about shapes.  You were mid circle in the pic above!  The way you say circle and make the shape with your hand is super adorable!

 You are SO beautiful!!  Look at you.  It was hard getting a pic of you since you were so into your show, but luckily something cracked you up and you looked toward me. 

 WOW! You are really into your show! 

There is your pretty face!  No smile, but I'll take it anyway. 
 I stayed home alone while you and daddy visited Cameron. and I have to say I crave my alone time but when I got it last night I didn't know what to do with myself! I couldn't wait for you and daddy to get home. Finally you two got home around 9p.m. You were trying to open the door to come in so I opened the door and you said "come on!" So I went outside and I couldn't believe all that you were saying and pointing out.  It's crazy how much and how fast you learn everything.   You said "moon!" as you pointed to it then "stars!" and I said "Where are they?" You replied "up in the clouds!"  Then you said "bird, sleeping in tree!"  It was blowing my mind!  Plus you were in a super great mood like always and was jumping around in your darling dress.  You are so damn awesome!!  Dad was sad since the visit didn't go super well, but you were making him smile.  Then we went in and played, fed you some dinner since you were too busy at the park playing with dad and Cam.  After dinner we brushed your teeth, read a bed time story and off to bed we went!

I know I was super tired this morning from this crazy, crazy week!  you were too apparently.  You and daddy went outside first thing this morning after breakfast and you laid out!!  So stinkin' cute.

Well the weekend is almost here - thank goodness!!  We have lots of swimming to do on Saturday and then Sunday we were going to go the Arts Festival but it's supposed to be super hot so who knows - we might have another pool day!!
Either way this weekend is going to rock!

Love you!!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Dear Maizy,

When I was anticipating your arrival I was thinking of all the stuff you needed and what I needed to do to raise a happy, healthy newborn. 

We have some very, very generous friends and family (even strangers) and  we were given a lot of "stuff".  Some we used, some we didn't, and some I didn't understand it's use. In the world of baby there is a gadget for everything!!  It's almost crazy.  Anyway, while on bed rest  I read and thought a ton. Then when I was out and about  I was always analyzing just about every person I saw with a child and was making my own judgments about if I would allow that?  I would never do that?  oh I would just spank my child?  My child would never be caught in that outfit?  I don't want used stuff, I want all new!

Well wow!  I have come a long way and it really didn't take that long to realize this - Stuff doesn't matter. Things don't matter.  Love. Patience. Understanding. This is what it's all about. 

Plus I read this on a blog and I think it's so true! 

The more things we have, the less we love our things. 

And I thought I believed in spanking and would spank my children but I am against it.  I will never spank you.

So back to this stuff issue. You had brand new everything when you were born - bassinet, crib, bedding, stroller, car seat, clothes, bouncer etc. Your favorite thing ended up being a swing that was loaned to me from a friend. the one thing that was used was your favorite.  Wouldn't you know it.  You loved that swing and that is where you slept most nights when you were super tiny.

This brings us to today - you truly are the most happy toddler EVER!!  I receive compliments EVERY time we are out and about regarding how cute, awesome, happy and good you are.  I will never tire of these compliments because it means we got a good thing going babe!  We are all doing something right.  

You are a happy toddler and you were a happy baby.  It wasn't and isn't because you had or have the latest and greatest invention.  You don't have an iPad because you know how to use your own creativity and entertain yourself.  I'm not saying that you don't like to play with an iPad because you do - thanks Grandma! Since we're talking about it, you already know how to operate the iPad better than her. 

Anyway, your cousins are some of the most spoiled, ill-mannered, bratty children EVER.  It didn't take me long to realize why and how this came to be.  If you look around their bedrooms and house they have stuff and lots if it. They have t.v.'s and dvd players in their rooms, toys galore, the latest technology and just lots of stuff!! 

Don't get me wrong you have lots of toys that you have received from other people on your birthday and Christmas, but I prefer to buy you books, coloring and writing tools and music.  You and I have the best, absolute best time, reading, talking, dancing, drawing, planting flowers, baking, jumping, laughing, taking walks, coloring, playing dress up, playing hide and seek, playing peek-a-boo, doing sidewalk chalk, making animal sounds, playing hair, and just being together.  Your cousins don't get that with their parents!!  I can especially tell because the minute I sit down to play with you while at one of their houses they flock over to us and eat up the attention.  One person in our family even said to me "I'm not like you Brooke. I can't just let my house get messy."  Really!?!?  Wow!  First of all, this person has never, ever been inside our home and second she is a crappy mom because her child is a monster from hell.  At first I was offended but then when I thought about it I was flattered because I do complete my housework and I have an awesome child, so she is the one I feel bad for.  I am no longer offended by what she said.

Time is going by way too fast!  I don't want to miss any more time with you than I have to, so we may have a big pile of laundry and dirty dishes in the sink, those things will always be there, and I will get to them,  but you are growing way too fast for me to focus on those things 24/7.  You are what is important to us and it shows in you.  You know you're important. You know you are loved and admired and no one can ever take that away from us with their snide comments.  Go buy your kid more stuff while I get eye level with mine and play like it's no one's business. 

You are such a delight.  Your Grandma's are crazy.  Oops!  I mean crazy about you! Your dad can't get enough of you. Your Grandpa's can't wait to tease and play with you. Then there is me and there is nothing  like having your heart outside of your body.  Nothing.

I Love You!


p.s. Your father and I went bowling with some friends last night and Grandma Shelly begged to take you.  Well you ended up sleeping over there.  You girls had a blast!  I was starting to worry a little that she might never return you to us!  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday Night Family Night!

Dear Maizy,

Last night was a fun night.  I got home from work and you were all ready to go outside and play!!     It was close to 100 degrees last night!  UGH!  So you and I went outside to plant some flowers! You were so cute helping me and all.  You truly are a good helper and you are not afraid to get dirty!!  While we were planting flowers the older girl from across the way, Abby, came over and watched us plant flowers while we made small talk.  Then the other neighbor girl, Liberty,  a few doors down came outside with her mom, so I grabbed your new sidewalk chalk and we walked over there and all of us girls talked and drew on the sidewalk.  Well that got old kind of fast.  The mom was going on, and on, and on, and on about her family and all their drama.  WOW!!  We've never exchanged more words than hi and bye!  You got bored too and started drawing on my back!

I was wanting to poke my eyes out with a stick just to get out of the conversation and your dad was returning our movies so he couldn't/didn't come save us.  Finally, you started heading home so the madness stopped and our fun night continued inside.

Woo hoo!!

Dad got home and saw my back.  He was cracking up!!  

We both had to change. I took off your wet shorts, so you were just walking around like this and loving every minute of it.

You kept wanting to see yourself in the mirror with your shoes on, then your headband too.  You were cracking us up!!  Oh and also - yesterday you started saying "mine! mine!" with EVERYTHING!  I hope this phase doesn't last long!  Not sure where you got that one from. 

Then we had dinner and played in the living room.  You were jumping on the couch and was loving it!  It was getting late so I gave you a bath while daddy talked to his bestie Josh in Hawaii. Then after the tub and getting in jammies you wanted to jump up and down, so we did that in your room for a few and you were laughing hysterically - couldn't tell if it was with me or at me!  Whatev!  

Then your brushed your teeth, I read you one story and it was bed time!!  Look at us go!  And it was only 11p.m.  Our next goal is to work on an earlier bedtime routine!

Thanks for a fun, fun night!!  I can't get enough of you.

Love you!



Dear Maizy,

Father's Day was such a  wonderful day!!! It's also a great reminder of those wonderful father's in our lives.  You for one have an amazing father. You dad would do just about anything for you and me too actually.  He LOVES you so, so, so much!  I'd say almost as much as I do. ; )

You and your daddy really have a special bond and I hope that continues to grow through out your life.  My dad and I are also very close.  There are times in my life when we are closer than other times, but we know in our hearts we are there for each other. 

Let me tell you about my dad. Well actually I will just tell you the basics.  He deserves a post of his own. I will tell you this much though. He loves me and my sister a lot and even though he acts all macho and tough he would do anything for us I am sure - we just have to ask.  He's not the type of dad that offers much but if you're willing to ask then he would give you the shirt off his back.  He LOVES his motorcycles, the outdoors, fishing, his dog, free time, his hot tub probably actually more than anything and he loves you!  Grandpa likes to tell stories about his childhood (even though it was kind of a sad one), and definitely his teenage/early twenties,  but you are way too young to hear those stories anytime soon. 

I think my dad likes being a dad, but it's not something he takes great pride in.  I am sure he is proud of me and my sister, but he is not the first one to tell you that.  Since Grandpa is such a macho man he has a skewed way of showing his emotions.  

Anyway, let's talk about your dad.  He is crazy about you and me.  He gets teary eyed just about every day when you say a new word, do something new, say something hilarious, when you are playing and then just reach up to hug and kiss him.  Your dad is very tender heart-ed and that is one of the many reasons why I love him.  Your dad is actually the better parent out of the two of us.  He is more cautious, more methodical, more strict (when I wimp out), more creative, very loving, caring, giving of his time, more fun, in fact he is just down right awesome.  I couldn't have picked a better father for you - seriously!! 

So on Father's Day morning Daddy opened his presents before we really started the day.  You gave him a cute shirt and a matching pair of shorts.  I gave him a bottle of yummy cologne.  Then we loaded up the car with day camp gear and coolers full of drinks and food!!  We were on the road by 10:00a.m. We went to Grandpa's house to meet him and his friend, Lori.  we talked for a minute and got back on the road and headed to American Fork canyon.  Grandpa had gone there earlier and claimed a day camp site and good thing because that canyon was packed!!!  he picked the best spot there!  We had lots of shade and sun and were close to the river but not too close. 

The drive was beautiful.  We settled in busted out the drinks and some snacks and talked about how happy we were to be there.  Grandpa took you down near the river and taught you how to throw rocks. Cutest thing ever to watch you two.  I was spying and took some pics.

We were down there for quite a while, talking and watching you throw rocks.  You have quite the arm little lady.  I was having one of those moments that you hate to see end.  You'll have lots of those moments I am sure.  

We got back to our spot and blew bubbles.  Grandpa was helping you!

You really played in the leafy, grass areas in out campsite - I can't blame you!

Then we all decided to drive up to Tibble Fork Reservoir to check it out, it was quite busy, but we got out and played anyway.  

We walked down to the sand bar where we could be isolated a little.  There were about 20 monarch butterflies fluttering all around you.  No kidding.  I am kicking myself now for not getting a picture.  You were chasing them just smiling and laughing. It truly was a magical moment and I am sad I didn't get a picture.  Then there was a tony stream next to us and you were having a blast walking up and down it.  Life was great!
There was blue water in the middle of the lake and that is where you wanted to be.  You kept saying "blue, blue"!! 

Then we walked back to the beach where Grandpa and Lori were sitting.  They were talking to some real friendly (drunk) people.  The women were paddle boarding across the reservoir and they were taking a break, so they offered daddy to try out the paddle board.  He happily obliged and entertained us all!!  He would fall off and we would laugh.  Daddy was actually quite good and was loving it, so now we are on the hunt for a paddle board!

After checking out reservoir and all it had to offer we went back to our campsite and started on dinner. In the meantime you went to lay down on the dirt, so dad got out a blanket for you guys to lie on. 

Daddy had to get back to bbq-ing so Grandpa and I came and joined you.  You jumped up and started climbing all over us and laughing.  No nap time for you I guess.

I would like to mention that we changed your clothes 3 times and could have for a 4th time but we were headed home so we didn't see the point.  This just shows how much fun you were having walking around with no shoes on, playing in the dirt,  playing with the river water I put in your bucket for you to play in, we did sidewalk chalk, blew bubbles, did stickers in your new Dora sticker book.

Daddy barbecued up some super delicious steaks, you had a hot dog, corn on the cob - though you were as enthusiastic about it like you were at Tresa's - and  rolls and potato salad.  YUM!!! We were super full.  But not for too long before Grandpa made a fire and busted out the smores.  Those were especially yummy.  Lori had never had one before but she loved them too.

After dessert it was time to get going.  we were all super sad to see the day come to a close, but it was after 8p.m.  BUMMER!!

Lori was great.  She entertained you and kept you safe while we cleaned and packed up the car. She put you on Grandpa's bike and was honking the horn for you.  Too cute!!!

The drive home was sad, but you were out after 3 minutes, yes, 3 minutes of being in the car.  

Thanks for such a fun, fun day.  Even though it was Father's Day the day was still about you!  

Love you!!


Movie Time

Dear Maizy,

I just LOVE our weekends.  Saturday morning you woke up and daddy brought you into our room.  I LOVE hearing you say mommy and especially first thing int he mornings - brightens my day!!

Anyway, you came in the room with your awesome bed head - LOVE it!! It was in your eyes so I found a barrette and put it in your hair.  You are in this phase where you like to see yourself in the "mirror, mirror" .  Since we weren't near a mirror I took your picture and showed you instead.  you got a kick out of it.  

I think you knowing how beautiful you are is going to your cute little head!! Just teasin'  you do like to look at yourself in the mirror and I think it's great for you to see yourself and get the concept of the whole mirror thing.

Well Grandma Shelly was taking us girls to go see Madagascar 3, so we had to go get ready for the day, but not before playing Princesses.  Oh and I would like to mention that you are starting to roll your eyes and shut them for pictures.  It is hilarious to me!!  That may be why you keep doing it.

 Then it was bath time!  Grandma was bringing over a new darling outfit for you to wear to the movie. You were running around in your diaper after your tub until Grandma got there.  The outfit she got you really was darling!!  It was a yellow top, with a white flower on it then yellow/orange/green shorts!  Too cute.

You were a champ at the movie!!  You sat in our laps and even sat in your own chair and ate popcorn. 

Grandma and I were getting the biggest kick out of you.  I wish this was a better pic so you could see your cute little profile.  You really do have the cutest little profile with your button nose and watching you eat out of the big bucket of popcorn was quite entertaining - more so than the movie.  Grandma and I were just watching you and cracking up.  During the movie you would make animal sounds of some of the animals.  My favorite was the elephant because you do this loud, high pitched screeching noise for the elephant - it's classic!! You are such a  wonderful little movie watching partner.  You were a rockstar for the entire movie!!

After the movie we got lunch at the concessions to go.  Grandma dropped you and I off at home, we ate our lunch and watched cartoons.  I thought you would be ready for a nap but you were not.  We played and hung out until daddy got home from running errands.  Then we went to Costco and you fell asleep in the car.  We felt so bad about waking but I had to knowing how much you love the store.  You were happy I woke you up.  You were standing up in the cart and was having a blast. We got all the food for our Father's Day adventure. 

We got home you pretty much went to sleep about 8:30pm, daddy and I watched a movie then about midnight you decided to wake up and not go back to sleep until 3:30a.m. It was a long night and you kept saying "tired, tired", but was fighting going to sleep.  AWESOME!

Sunday morning came way too soon, but we had an adventure to go on so we had to get going!

I love you!  i love every minute I get to hear your voice,  see your voice, hug and cuddle you - even if it is when we should be sleeping.  

Thanks for being such a fun, fun girl!  I love being your mommy.


Adventures with Daddy!!

Dear Maizy,

When I leave the mornings for work I get sad leaving you, but I know that when you and daddy are spending the day together you will have nothing short of FUN!!

Dad sends me pictures of you two during the day.  I love it and don't love it.  I love that I get a sneak peek of your day and don't like it because I am not with you guys.  

Look at how much fun you two had on Friday!!

You woke up and put this on your head all by yourself!

You are so hilarious these days!  And will do anything for a good laugh. 

After breakfast you and dad got ready for your adventure.  You two went on a walk and played at the waterfall down the street.  I just love you two!!  I also love that you and your dad are close. 

You have a pretty awesome dad!  He fills your day with loves, hugs, popscicles, gourmet lunches, castle block building, bug juice, story time, coloring, visits to the park and lots of playing in the water to keep cool.

I love you two more than you will ever know.  Look at how dang cute you two are!?!?

Love you!!


Friday, June 15, 2012


Dear Maizy,

Yesterday was a lot of fun.  You and daddy picked me up from work then we dropped daddy off at Uncle Paul's while we ran to Grandpa Frank's to say hi and get Aunt Brittany's mail for her.  Grandpa Frank was super excited to see you.  You were dressed super cute and Grandpa handed you a fudge covered cookie!  Yum!  But I had to hurry and take off your darling shirt before it got everywhere.   You wanted to go in the pool room, so we did.  Grandpa was super impressed with your ability to name every color of ball.  You know and say them all SOOOOOO well.  We also named animals and you made their sounds.  One of my fave things to do.  I always ask you to make the sound of an elephant and it's beyond awesome!!  

Then unfortunately we couldn't hang out with Grandpa all night so we went to pick up daddy and went to our friend Tresa's house.  Daddy and I used to live with Tresa while we ere expecting you.  She truly is a good friend to us.  We were going to her new house for the first time.  Her house is lovely and her back yard is just lovelier.  She also has a puppy, Hudson,  that you liked and he did really well with you too!!  

You were LOVING the backyard, playing in the dirt and filling up a bowl with grass and feeding it to the dog.  You found the hose so we turned it on for you and you walked around the whole yard watering everything and yourself.  We barbecued hamburgers for dinner - they were delish!  We ate dinner out on the patio and then played int he yard some more.  It was such a  fun night!!  You were so, so, so good as always.  You had a blast in the yard and eating yummy food.  Especially the corn!  You were loving your corn on the cob. We gave you dip to dip your cheeseburger in - you seem to eat more when you can dip it.  Look how stinkin' cute you are!!

We got home about 10:30 since we had to take the long way home due to traffic on the freeway. Thank you for such a lovely evening and being so good.  I love taking you places and showing you off. 

Today after lunch with Tresa - it was an impromptu lunch - I was thinking about how undeserving I am to have you.  I can't believe that God gave me, silly me, such a precious gift.  I don't feel worthy enough to be your mom.  I am in shock most days and the other disbelief.  
 You are mine.  All mine.  I am responsible for you, your well being, your health and your future.  Holy crap that is a lot of pressure.  Please know that I am trying my best for you and always will. 
I love you and want the best for you because that is what you deserve.  Nothing less.

As your mom, and most but not all mom's in general, do SO much for their children.  More than the father's.  You have a wonderful dad and he would do anything for you.  I just want to let you know that being your mom is the best and hardest job I've ever been given.  I'll save the rest of what I have to say for another day!

I love you!  Thanks for a wonderful night!  This weekend is Father's Day so we have an adventure in store.  Woo hoo!!

Love you!
