Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The weekend!!

Dear Maizy,

Here it is Wednesday and I just now writing about our weekend.  Ugh!  It's hard for me to recall all the way back to Friday what we did.  See what you have to look forward to when your old???  Memory Loss!  Yikes!! I do know this much - we had a great time!! 

Friday I got home from work and you were sleeping when I got home.  You woke up by yelling "Mom! Dad! Mom! Dad!" It is SO dang cute and funny.  I went in your room and picked you up out of your crib.  We were SO excited to see each other. 

Then we went downstairs and played.  You are so dang cute!!  Lately you will ask for your picture to be taken and will even say "cheese!!"  Then you want to see your picture right away and say "Cute!"  When you see the picture.  It didn't take you long to get that down.  You were putting on my hat and saying "Picture! Cheese!"  You crack me up!!

Daddy had to go help Aunt Jenn and Deb with some yard work, so you and I just stayed in and played!!  We had a blast.  You are becoming quite the little cuddler and lover!!  It's awesome!  We'll be playing then you will say "hug" and come and hug me and pat my back, it's the sweetest thing ever!!

Daddy didn't get home until late, so we just played some more and then went to bed!  We were all tired!

Saturday morning we woke up early and got in the car and headed to Farmer's Market.  It was only 9 in the morning and it was already blazing hot!!  UGH!! We arrived, put you in your stroller and started walking around.  We weren't even there 5 minutes and we passed the playground!  Oh great!! You started saying "Park, park!"  as we passed it.  I told you that we would go there after we walked around and before we left.  You must have understood.  I think it's because you trust me and dad.  You know that what we say we are going to do we do.  I am very conscious of when I tell you we are going to do something that we do it!! I commend you for this behavior.  You are a rockstar!

So anyway, we walked around and checked out all the stuff, it was SO freakin' hot that it wasn't super enjoyable because A) It was freakin' hot. B) I was worried about you getting sunburned and dehydrated. C) It was freakin' hot!

We bought some cherries, onions, beets, basil, cheese, a cookie for us to all share and some delicious tamales we got home and ate for lunch.  After we walked around we went to the park and played!!  It was awesome.  I don't see you in action very much at the park, but you are an absolute pro!  You know what to do and have no fear!  There were these twin boys with their mom at the park learning how to jump and they were older than you and they were little wusses!

After the park we sat in the shade and drank our drinks, then got back in the car and headed home.  We were all pooped!  You and daddy took a nap while I got ready for the bbq that we were going to later.  After I took a shower, did my hair and got dressed, I lied down and fell asleep!!  I woke up 15 minutes before the BBQ was about to start.  You and dad were still snoozin', but your dad and I talked briefly and he suggested that I just go.  I was sad to leave you guys but you needed your rest, so I went to the bbq by myself. Everyone was dying to see you, so they were bummed when I showed up without you!!  I especially felt bad because there were at least 6 little girls running around, playing dress up, swinging and having fun!  It made me miss you even more.  They were all older than you, so they could have trampled you since they were pretty rowdy.

Anyway, I had a good time catching up with my friends I hadn't seen in a while. I got home around midnight and you were still awake!  YAY!!!  We stayed up a bit longer then we all hit the hay! It was a good, good day!!

Sunday morning we woke up and had breakfast.  You wanted "egg, egg!", so daddy fixed you scrabbled eggs and ketchup to dip them in - gross!!! I despise ketchup.  You were cracking me up while eating breakfast!! You saw that I had my camera ready so you were saying "Cheese!" 

I told you to make a funny face and you did!!!  This is classic!!  I was and am  still laughing at this awesome pic!!
After breakfast we were feeling a bit lazy, so we just hung around and did our own thing.  Then we got busy cleaning.  You are a great little helper.  I give you a Clorox wipe too and you clean everything!!!  It's so cute to watch you clean. After that  we all got ready and headed to the store.  Grandpa Frank and his friend were coming over for dinner so we needed to get some things for dinner and get going.  The store was fun and you are always very entertaining. We got home put all our groceries away.  It was going to be another scorcher of a day!! We continued cleaning and getting ready for Grandpa to come over.  He got there about 6 pm with a girlfriend in tow.  We all just hung out on the patio with the mister going and enjoying some relief from the heat.  We munched on yummy cheese and crackers.  Um, you didn' have one nap so you were TIRED!!  It was actually quite sad because you were crying a lot, just watching t.v. and was even a little delirious.  Grandpa and you did bubbles while dad and I got dinner ready.  Daddy bbq'd whole chickens and they were quite delish!  We had bbq'd corn, french bread and salad!  We had a pretty good night together!  The heat was a little crazy but it was a great way to end a great weekend!!

Thank you for always being so good, funny, cute, mindful, loving and sweet!!

I am one lucky mama!


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