Dear Maizy,
When I was anticipating your arrival I was thinking of all the stuff you needed and what I needed to do to raise a happy, healthy newborn.
We have some very, very generous friends and family (even strangers) and we were given a lot of "stuff". Some we used, some we didn't, and some I didn't understand it's use. In the world of baby there is a gadget for everything!! It's almost crazy. Anyway, while on bed rest I read and thought a ton. Then when I was out and about I was always analyzing just about every person I saw with a child and was making my own judgments about if I would allow that? I would never do that? oh I would just spank my child? My child would never be caught in that outfit? I don't want used stuff, I want all new!
Well wow! I have come a long way and it really didn't take that long to realize this - Stuff doesn't matter. Things don't matter. Love. Patience. Understanding. This is what it's all about.
Plus I read this on a blog and I think it's so true!
The more things we have, the less we love our things.
And I thought I believed in spanking and would spank my children but I am against it. I will never spank you.
So back to this stuff issue. You had brand new everything when you were born - bassinet, crib, bedding, stroller, car seat, clothes, bouncer etc. Your favorite thing ended up being a swing that was loaned to me from a friend. the one thing that was used was your favorite. Wouldn't you know it. You loved that swing and that is where you slept most nights when you were super tiny.
This brings us to today - you truly are the most happy toddler EVER!! I receive compliments EVERY time we are out and about regarding how cute, awesome, happy and good you are. I will never tire of these compliments because it means we got a good thing going babe! We are all doing something right.
You are a happy toddler and you were a happy baby. It wasn't and isn't because you had or have the latest and greatest invention. You don't have an iPad because you know how to use your own creativity and entertain yourself. I'm not saying that you don't like to play with an iPad because you do - thanks Grandma! Since we're talking about it, you already know how to operate the iPad better than her.
Anyway, your cousins are some of the most spoiled, ill-mannered, bratty children EVER. It didn't take me long to realize why and how this came to be. If you look around their bedrooms and house they have stuff and lots if it. They have t.v.'s and dvd players in their rooms, toys galore, the latest technology and just lots of stuff!!
Don't get me wrong you have lots of toys that you have received from other people on your birthday and Christmas, but I prefer to buy you books, coloring and writing tools and music. You and I have the best, absolute best time, reading, talking, dancing, drawing, planting flowers, baking, jumping, laughing, taking walks, coloring, playing dress up, playing hide and seek, playing peek-a-boo, doing sidewalk chalk, making animal sounds, playing hair, and just being together. Your cousins don't get that with their parents!! I can especially tell because the minute I sit down to play with you while at one of their houses they flock over to us and eat up the attention. One person in our family even said to me "I'm not like you Brooke. I can't just let my house get messy." Really!?!? Wow! First of all, this person has never, ever been inside our home and second she is a crappy mom because her child is a monster from hell. At first I was offended but then when I thought about it I was flattered because I do complete my housework and I have an awesome child, so she is the one I feel bad for. I am no longer offended by what she said.
Time is going by way too fast! I don't want to miss any more time with you than I have to, so we may have a big pile of laundry and dirty dishes in the sink, those things will always be there, and I will get to them, but you are growing way too fast for me to focus on those things 24/7. You are what is important to us and it shows in you. You know you're important. You know you are loved and admired and no one can ever take that away from us with their snide comments. Go buy your kid more stuff while I get eye level with mine and play like it's no one's business.
You are such a delight. Your Grandma's are crazy. Oops! I mean crazy about you! Your dad can't get enough of you. Your Grandpa's can't wait to tease and play with you. Then there is me and there is nothing like having your heart outside of your body. Nothing.
I Love You!
p.s. Your father and I went bowling with some friends last night and Grandma Shelly begged to take you. Well you ended up sleeping over there. You girls had a blast! I was starting to worry a little that she might never return you to us!
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