Monday, June 11, 2012

What to say? What to say?

Dear Maizy,

i have so much to write about today.  I can't seem to focus on what I really want to talk about.  Well you of course, but what?  AAAAHHHHHH!!

Ok well let's make it simple and talk about this morning.  This morning we had an appointment at the clinic.  You are 34 inches tall, 22 pounds and 4 ounces, your iron levels are perfect and you talk really, really well for your age.

You are int he 11 percentile for your height and 21 percentile for your weight, but honestly this means nothing to me.  So you are small - whatev!!  You are big in brains, personality and kindness and that is where it really counts.  Your doctor told us that as long as you are happy and healthy your size does not matter.  I just take all the number mumbo jumbo with a grain of salt!  They had to prick your finger to get some blood to test your iron level.  You didn't even cry when they had to do that and you were completely cooperative.  I am so very proud of you.  The nurse put a band aid on you but I think she put it on there too tight because a few minutes later you asked me to take the band aid off.  You are my little tough girl!!

Ok what else should we talk about?  Um!  Well you pretty much say every word out there.  You copy whatever we say - good and bad! We have definitely toned down on the bad words.  It's a little tough some days but it's good though because we shouldn't talk like that anyway.  

Now what?  Oh I went over night to Lava Hot Springs with some girls from work.  We had a fabulous time.  It was relaxing and nice to use the shower and restroom alone.  I was only gone from Saturday to Sunday, but my heart ached for you.  I know it's good for us all to get a break from each other once in a while, but I missed you and daddy a TON!!! Daddy kept sending me pics of you throughout the day like this one.

As much as I love seeing pics of you it made me even sadder.  You two always have a great time together though. You really have the best dad! He has taught me SO much!  I look at other dad's and can just see that your dad blows them out of the water.  I hear stories from other mom's and I can't related with having a lazy partner or one that is not so hands on.  You dad is Ah-Mazing!!  He is not afraid to change your diaper, feed or bathe you, you two can play like no one's business, you crack each other up, he knows how to care for you better than I do.  When you were born I stopped reading emails and books about how to parent and just followed your dad's lead and look how freakin' awesome you are!!

Next weekend is Father's Day and I can't think of a gift or way that I can afford to show your dad just how much we love and appreciate him.  But then again your dad really isn't into materialistic things, so that makes it easier and cheaper.  

What else can I talk about?? Oh your Aunt Brittany called me while I was in Lava, it was so wonderful to hear her voice and know that she is ok.  I miss her like CRAZY!!!  I feel bad that she is not here so that you and her could be close.  When she does come back from Alaska in July she is going to die at how big, smart, funny, lovable and busy you are!

Oh and that brings me to another topic.  Siblings.  I keep wondering and thinking if I should have a sibling for you.  I am really, really torn on this for SO many reasons. You are perfect, so your sibling would have a lot to live up to.  My health - blah, blah, blah.  I almost died giving birth to you but I didn't so I just need to really find out the consequences with my health to have another baby.  Do I really want you to be an only child?  That is a tough one for me, it really is.  

the thought has been on my mind a lot because if I am to give you a sibling it should be sooner rather than later.  Yikes!

I know you would be the best big sister in the universe.  I have no doubt about that.  I wish you could tell me what you think would be best for you because I sure don't know. ; )

Yesterday when I got home from Lava a girlfriend of mine that I drove with met you and dad up at Grandma Shelly's for a BBQ.  There was a family that was invited that has 5 children.  I was a little skeptical at first of the kids, but they were all so cute and pretty well behaved.  I mean boys will be boys - right!?!?  The older kids were used to little siblings, so they were patient and cute with you and included you while they played.  I love watching you interact with other kids.  At that moment I was like "Yeah, I am going to have another baby!"  Now that it's a new day I am not so sure.  UGH!!  Decisions, decisions! 

I love you honey!

Thanks for everything you do for me and our family.


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