Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday Night Family Night!

Dear Maizy,

Last night was a fun night.  I got home from work and you were all ready to go outside and play!!     It was close to 100 degrees last night!  UGH!  So you and I went outside to plant some flowers! You were so cute helping me and all.  You truly are a good helper and you are not afraid to get dirty!!  While we were planting flowers the older girl from across the way, Abby, came over and watched us plant flowers while we made small talk.  Then the other neighbor girl, Liberty,  a few doors down came outside with her mom, so I grabbed your new sidewalk chalk and we walked over there and all of us girls talked and drew on the sidewalk.  Well that got old kind of fast.  The mom was going on, and on, and on, and on about her family and all their drama.  WOW!!  We've never exchanged more words than hi and bye!  You got bored too and started drawing on my back!

I was wanting to poke my eyes out with a stick just to get out of the conversation and your dad was returning our movies so he couldn't/didn't come save us.  Finally, you started heading home so the madness stopped and our fun night continued inside.

Woo hoo!!

Dad got home and saw my back.  He was cracking up!!  

We both had to change. I took off your wet shorts, so you were just walking around like this and loving every minute of it.

You kept wanting to see yourself in the mirror with your shoes on, then your headband too.  You were cracking us up!!  Oh and also - yesterday you started saying "mine! mine!" with EVERYTHING!  I hope this phase doesn't last long!  Not sure where you got that one from. 

Then we had dinner and played in the living room.  You were jumping on the couch and was loving it!  It was getting late so I gave you a bath while daddy talked to his bestie Josh in Hawaii. Then after the tub and getting in jammies you wanted to jump up and down, so we did that in your room for a few and you were laughing hysterically - couldn't tell if it was with me or at me!  Whatev!  

Then your brushed your teeth, I read you one story and it was bed time!!  Look at us go!  And it was only 11p.m.  Our next goal is to work on an earlier bedtime routine!

Thanks for a fun, fun night!!  I can't get enough of you.

Love you!


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