Friday August 17th was your 2 year check up with Dr. Palmieri. I took the day off work because I have to go with you to your doctor's appointments. I just adore your doctor and love to hear what she has to say about you. She really is a cool lady. We got to the office and you watched the fish in the aquarium until your name got called back. They weighed you - 23 pounds - and measured your height - 34 inches. Then we went in room number 1 and waited for a few minutes until the doctor came in. She was super excited to see us. She told us all about your stats and how you are growing just fine even though you are small - 14 percentile for weight and height, but that is way better than being obese which some of her young patients are. Anyway, the doctor got called out of the room for a moment, so we just talked and hung out. Then the doctor came in and said "I heard some pretty rockin' words outside of the door!" We told her the words you say, the things you do and pretend to do and you are on a 3 - 4 year age level. Woo hoo!! This we knew! But she did remind us that even though you are super smart and advanced that emotionally you are still two, so we need to remember that. I appreciate the reminder. You are starting to test your boundaries and be a little pill, and I try to find ways to reason with you and I have to admit it's difficult at times because you are two.
After we chatted for a bit about your diet, activity level and such it was time to get your vaccine. UGH! I hate this part. We walked across the hall and sat you on the exam table. You were so happy and so dang cute! I just felt so bad knowing what was headed your way. I saw the needle and no joke it was about an inch and a half long. The nurse stuck in your thigh and you cried! So freakin' SAD!! You didn't cry too long but it was definitely one of the longest cries you've had over a shot. You still have a hug bruise from it. Sad!
We felt really bad for you and all you wanted to do before we left was look at the "fishies". So your dad and I decided that we would head to Wal-Mart and buy you your own fishies!
We drove to the store and picked out a fish bowl and 6 little goldfish. Then we let you pick the accessory for your fish bowl and you chose Spongebob Squarepants Pineapple!! CUTE!!
On our way home we stopped at Grandma Shelly's work for a minute. She kissed and hugged you better and we showed her your fish! then unfortunately we had to go home and clean! We were expecting a house guest and needed to get the house in order. Plus the exterminator for the complex was coming over and we needed to be home. Then again it was nice to be together at home. We just cleaned and I finished watching my new show - Downton Abby. The days off work and spending time with you always go by SOOOOO fast.
Before you know it our house guest arrived. It was mommy's friend Kim. We hadn't seen each other in a really long time, but we picked up right where we left off. She got the biggest kick out of you and couldn't get over your beautiful eyes. We just hung out, talked and daddy made us a yummy dinner. I requested one of his awesome sandwiches. Daddy gave you a bath then you joined us for dinner!
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You were so funny! You put this big piece of bread in your mouth and walked around like this for a while! Ha ha ha! |
After dinner we had to help Kim blow up about 75 balloons for an event the following day. It was definitely a group effort and you helped by entertaining us!
Then it was bed time. We had a busy, busy day planned for Saturday.
We woke up to the yummy smell of dad making biscuits and his homemade gravy! Yum! We had breakfast then Kim had to head out the door to meet her friends and family. Then we got ready for the day and headed to the Farmer's Market, it was such a beautiful day to be out and about. You were having a great time! We bought some yummy cheese, a watermelon and raspberries. You were so cute just walking around and smelling the beautiful flowers farmers were selling. You make me smell them too! Then we walked towards the car but stopped to take a break and let you run around. You were having a blast in your "go fasters!"
After our adventure at Farmer's Market we headed to the Salt Lake Library to check out the event Kim was involved with putting on, it was a Star Wars event and I had no idea what to expect, but it was GREAT!!
You had a blast. You would walk around at different stations to do a craft or game like bowling which was one of your faves! The pins were dresses like storm troopers and the middle one like Darth Vader, one station you shot a nerf gun at a planet of sorts, the others had stickers, one you created a mask - see dad made one for you!!!
Then you wore it for only a brief second.
Your other fave was the bubble machine! you had to hit the bubbles with your "light saber" like a Jedi!
Then Darth Vader came out and read a story. He looked and sounded awesome!!
Then unfortunately we had to leave! We had to head home and get a nap in before my company party at the Bees game. But we actually had one more stop to make.
We stopped in at Les Madeleines to get a loaf of bread to make yummy grilled cheese sandwiches with the cheese we bought at the Farmer's Market. Then I remembered that they had a one of a kind treat that I have never tried - the Kouing Aman. We bought one to share but I know we could have each eaten our own because they were DELISH!! And it's kind of cool because it's an original recipe from Brittany - one of France's most rugged regions.
Ok then we went home and napped! Then we all woke up about 6ish - oops! But we must have all been tired. So we got ready and headed to the Bees game. We had dinner in one of the suites then we went down to the field and walked around to find a spot, but not before you bolted for the playground that was roped off and closed because that is where they set the fireworks off from. Yep! You got passed one of the guards, through the yellow tape and squeezed through the fence! YIKES!! People were laughing and pointing, but um, we were slightly embarrassed. You determined little thing, so now you knew you could get through the fence and this threw the evening for a loop. We made picked a spot on the grass to hang out and watch you play. You made friends with a little girl named Livia. She was darling!! She was 3 almost 4, had long dark hair and blue eyes. You two played well together and her parents were fun to talk to as well.
I had to use the restroom, I left you and your dad together. When I came back there was a bunch of people huddled together, a policeman and your dad on the other side of the fence freaking out! You were lost! I knew it before I even talked to anyone. Then I asked a guy what was going on he said " a little girl is lost!" I got closer to your dad and asked him what happened and he said you were gone! I felt sick, instantly. People were so nice asking me what you look like and were really nice. A little girl told everyone that you went through the fence and on the other side of the fence was the street, so your dad was over there yelling your name and looking for you. Just then a lady walked over to me holding you! OMG!! I was so thrilled to see your cute little face and so was everyone else. You had no idea what was going on. The lady that found you was DARLING!! When she saw your dad later in the evening she hugged him, she must have known how it feels to think you've lost your child. This all took place in about 5 minutes, but the longest 5 minutes of mine and daddy's life!
So we just continued to play, it was a looooooooooooooooooooong game, but we had to stay to see the fireworks. Finally it was time! We go to go down on the field to watch them, it was awesome. We didn't have any one in front of us, it was great!!
We didn't get home until 11:30p.m. that night. We were beat when we got home!
Sunday we woke up and just hung out at home. Then Grandma Shelly stopped by to get her Maizy time. She brought you a big sugar cookie with a smiley face on it. You pretty much just ate the frosting off of it. She also brought with her a gift that cousin Karen sent you for your birthday - even though she already sent you a card and $20. You opened your gift and inside was the cutest, littlest gold ring!! You loved it!! It's still a little big but will fit you in no time at all.
Maizy I hope you never, ever doubt how much you are loved because you are by sooooooo many people!
After Grandma left I made a cake for my friends anniversary. I made us a little one too, it was quite delicious! It was lemon cake with lemon frosting.
Daddy bbq'd us steaks and corn on the cob for dinner! Delish! Before you know it, it was bed time and I was sad! Our weekends always rock!
Thanks for a wonderful weekend full of giggles, smiles, panic, surprises, fun, excitement, proud fullness, cries, quick thinking, lots of love, happiness, sadness, fear, joy and pleasure!
I just love you!!
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