Monday, August 27, 2012

Night Swimming

Dear Maizy,

I got home from work Friday evening and was ready to just relax and stay in, but you and dad had something else in mind.  The two of you were home together and had a really busy day going to a new park, getting Subway for lunch and running all around town.  You two wanted to keep going, so we packed our stuff up and headed down to Grandma Annette's to go swimming.  They were all gone to a wedding so they left the key there for us.  

I decided not to swim since, so I just watched you and daddy! And Oh.My.Gosh!!!  You are getting to be an amazing little swimmer!!  Seriously.  You listen to what dad and I tell you - "kick your legs!!" "Paddle those arms!!" "Don't drink the water!!!!!!!"  And you do them all - very well!!

Check you out!!

Regardless of your expressions in this pic you are both very happy!  I just asked you both to sit still!

Daddy and I are so proud of the awesome swimmer that you are!  You and your daddy have such an awesome relationship!  I love watching you two interact.  

You two make my heart swell.

Thanks for a super, amazing Friday night! 

Love you!


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