You are growing faster than I ever imagined. It's truly bittersweet. I don't want you to grow because I want you to stay young, innocent and sweet forever, but then again I get the biggest kick out of watching you learn and hearing you say new things every day, but then again you can be quite the sassy pants! Regardless I love you like crazy!!!
Friday night when we got home we got ready and headed to Bountiful Park for an outdoor concert. There was a Beatle's cover band, Revolver, playing, so we packed up the car with drinks and blanket and went to the park. It felt nice to be outside and you were loving it. Then as soon as you saw the playground you headed right for it. I love watching you play on the park and discover new places and things, but it also makes me realize how much I despise other children and their parents. It's those kids that run around with runny noses and are clearly sick, yelling at their mom to "watch me! watch me!" while their mom is just sitting there gossiping with the other moms not even paying attention. Then as your father and I are chasing you around, trying to not think about the million of germs those sick kids are spreading, those kids are begging for our attention. UGH! It drives me crazy. Ok sorry I had to vent, but we love watching you play, climb, talk to other kids and be brave and conquer the huge slides. You are a rockstar at the park!
After a while of being at the park we headed home, ate dinner, relaxed and it was bedtime.
Saturday morning daddy went to work so it was just you and me. We woke up and had berries and yogurt! You LOVE vanilla yogurt - who knew? Then we just played chase, hide and seek, then it was time for me to start cleaning and folding laundry. I was sitting on the bedroom floor folding clothes, you were playing and watching t.v. going from my room to yours. Then all of the sudden WHACK! You whacked me on the head super hard with an attachment to the vacuum. I turned around and told you it wasn't nice, took it from you nicely, turned back around to fold clothes and then you kicked me in the back! WTH!?!? I turned around and just stared at you. I was in disbelief - where was my sweet girl!?! I wasn't sure what to do so I picked you up and was headed to the corner of the room - you were going to time out missy!! I sat you down and started scolding you about not hitting and being nice and you started barking like a dog, yes, that's right, barking! I had to walk away so you didn't see me laugh and your time out and my mommy speech came to an abrupt end.
Daddy made it home from work and then Grandma and Grandpa Donker came over to make a surprise visit. It was the first time they have ever been to our house and they brought with them the biggest and bestest gift EVER!! A portable air conditioner!! Our house has been SO blasted hot! Our land lord (anything but a lord, more like a nerd) refuses to get a new central air until even though it's 33 years old. Well I was telling Grandpa how hot it was at our house just in passing and it was his idea to get that for us and bring it over. Tears came to my eyes when I saw it. Then g-ma and g-pa headed out of there. They didn't stay long at all.
Then after they left we got ready. You were going to Grandma Annette's while we went to Grandpa Frank's clubhouse for a party. We dropped you off and Aunt Debbie was the only one home, so you two played until the rest of the clan got home. We headed to the clubhouse. We had an ok night. We missed you like crazy. From what it sounds like you had a great time. When we went to get you the next day your hair was done super cute! There was a french bread on each side and then a braid joining the two sides together!! CUTE!! Aunt Debbie did it. Dad and I really need to step it up and do your hair all cute like that. We hung out there then we got in our swimming gear and went swimming!!! We had SO much fun and to make it even better, it was just us - you, me, daddy, Sienna and Aunt Deb. You were overly tired and kept crying and crying and was refusing to share! Your father and I have never seen you like that before. We think it was a mix of being super tired, being with Sienna, no bottle all day and being super tired! We felt really bad for you. We stayed at Grandma's house for dinner. She made us yummy steaks, potatoes and corn on the cob! Yum, yum!
Then it was time to head home. You fell fast asleep before we even made it out of the neighborhood. You only slept until we got home, played and then it was bed time. Sunday nights are hard for me because I know it's back to work and less time spent with you.
Thank you for a fabulous weekend.
Love you!
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You on 7.23.12 Dad wore you out! You two always play so hard! |
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Daddy got you out of your highchair and you continued to snooze on the floor. So dang cute! |
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