Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Saturday Adventure

Dear Maizy,

I love our impromptu adventures.  Saturday we were just home hanging out and taking our time getting out of the house.  We finally made it out about 4ish and decided to go check out City Creek, since I had never been there.  Which makes no sense since my company built it!

Anyway, we got you dressed all cute and headed out the door, but not before removing the "sweater scarf" from your neck.

It wasn't ten minutes and you were out!  It was around your nap time, so dad and I decided to drive around and check out the avenues - my fave places to look at the houses, yards and trees.  We drove around for at least a half hour, then you woke so we continued our adventure to City Creek.  

We decided to start at Cheesecake Factory because we were all hungry AND we had a gift card to the place.  We only had to wait for half an hour - not bad considering I have heard of people waiting for hours!!

This is what kept you busy while we waited for our table.

Our name was finally called, so we were seated at a booth.  Dad and I ordered drinks, you an apple juice - we were thirsty.  Then we ordered an appetizer for us and chicken fingers and fries for you!  We had a great time being together, talking and eating then we had to order cheesecake to go but not before tasting it first!  Yum!!  I ordered Snickers and daddy ordered blueberry, both were exceptionally good.  

After dinner we went into the Disney Store.  You were loving it!!  You were walking around with a little Minnie Mouse that lights up.  The store was pretty crowded so we didnt' stay too long.  I did pick out some cute little plastic figurines of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters.  They had a special of buy two for $20, so of course I did that.  We didn't show you your "present" until we got home!  

Then we walked around City Creek some more and went into a few shops.  We stopped at Nordstroms because I had a gift card there and I got a new purse!  Woo hoo!

After that store we walked around and watched the fountain show.  Then we headed home since it was late and we were all tired!

Thanks for a fun, fun adventure!

Love you!


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